AAC: Lecture in Pskov, Russia
Event type
Project Event
Date of the event
25 April 2014
Place of the event
Vasiljev's History Library, Octyabrskij Prospect 19a, Pskov, Russia
Title of the event
Lecture "Music instruments and toys in ancient Pskov"
Short description of the event
The project "ARCHAEOLOGY, AUTHORITY & COMMUNITY: cooperation to protect archaeological heritage" (AAC) will present the Lecture "Music instruments and toys in ancient Pskov"
Contact person of the event
Olga Volochkova, ovolochkova@yandex.ru
Project Event
Date of the event
25 April 2014
Place of the event
Vasiljev's History Library, Octyabrskij Prospect 19a, Pskov, Russia
Title of the event
Lecture "Music instruments and toys in ancient Pskov"
Short description of the event
The project "ARCHAEOLOGY, AUTHORITY & COMMUNITY: cooperation to protect archaeological heritage" (AAC) will present the Lecture "Music instruments and toys in ancient Pskov"
Contact person of the event
Olga Volochkova, ovolochkova@yandex.ru
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