CULTURE ARTS: Christmas concert
Event type
Project Activity
Date of the event
2012-12-17 18:00:00
Place of the event
The big hall of Administrative building of Limbazi municipality, Rigas Street 16, Limbazi
Title of the event
Christmas concert
Short description of the event
A miracle of the holiday will create an ensemble of the brass band „Lemisele”, Christmas melodies accompaniment by guitar and accordion will be played and sang by Normunds Kietis and Inita Abolina.
Contact person of the event
Anna Silina
Contact phone
+371 64020405
Additional information about the event
The concert is organized within the project „Cooperation in the theatre and the music arts development” by Limbazi municipality and is co-financed by the Estonia – Latvia – Russia Cross Border Cooperation Programme within European Neighbourhood and Partnership Instrument 2007 – 2013
Project Activity
Date of the event
2012-12-17 18:00:00
Place of the event
The big hall of Administrative building of Limbazi municipality, Rigas Street 16, Limbazi
Title of the event
Christmas concert
Short description of the event
A miracle of the holiday will create an ensemble of the brass band „Lemisele”, Christmas melodies accompaniment by guitar and accordion will be played and sang by Normunds Kietis and Inita Abolina.
Contact person of the event
Anna Silina
Contact phone
+371 64020405
Additional information about the event
The concert is organized within the project „Cooperation in the theatre and the music arts development” by Limbazi municipality and is co-financed by the Estonia – Latvia – Russia Cross Border Cooperation Programme within European Neighbourhood and Partnership Instrument 2007 – 2013
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