FOSTER SME: Participation in Spring Garden Fair, Madona Municipality, Latvia
Event type
Project Event
Date of the event
26 April, 2014
Place of the event
Saieta laukums 1, Madona, Latvia
Title of the event
Spring Garden Fair
Short description of the event
This event will be organized by the Madona Municipality Council, Beneficiary of the Project "Fostering of socio-economic development and encouraging business in border areas (FOSTER SME). Some activities of the event will be organized and financed from the Project budget. The most significant activity will be opening ceremony of stationary outdoor monitor in the Madona main square. This monitor will be used for promotion of project activities and promotion of local businesses. For this event special video material will be prepared to present local businesses representing different kind of services and products used for spring works in home gardens, farm, parks, yards etc.
Project Event
Date of the event
26 April, 2014
Place of the event
Saieta laukums 1, Madona, Latvia
Title of the event
Spring Garden Fair
Short description of the event
This event will be organized by the Madona Municipality Council, Beneficiary of the Project "Fostering of socio-economic development and encouraging business in border areas (FOSTER SME). Some activities of the event will be organized and financed from the Project budget. The most significant activity will be opening ceremony of stationary outdoor monitor in the Madona main square. This monitor will be used for promotion of project activities and promotion of local businesses. For this event special video material will be prepared to present local businesses representing different kind of services and products used for spring works in home gardens, farm, parks, yards etc.
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