HERITAGE BUSINESS: Study tour for teachers from Pechory (Russia) and Ape (Latvia) to Varska and Meremae (Estonia)
Event type
Project event
Date of the event
8 - 9 October, 2013
Place of the event
"Varska" Resort, Varska, Estonia
Title of the event
Seminar for teachers on the problems of teaching entrepreneurship
Short description of the event
On 8 October within the framework of Study tour organized by the Project "Promoting the use of cultural heritage and resources in product development in border areas" teachers from Pechory and Ape municipality will have a seminar on teaching entrepreneurship to school-children in different schools of Estonia and round table discussion about the beginning of such teaching in Pechory and Ape Municipality. On 9 October they will participate in visits to Varska and Meremae schools to see the examples of shuch study programs in action.