RCBI (Regional Capacity Building Iniciative) seminar "Project preparation workshop" in St.Petersburg, Russia, 6 February 2012
Event type
Seminar - workshop
Date of the event
6 February, 2012
Agenda in English and in Russian
St.Petersburg, Congress Centre “Petrocongress”
(Lodeynopolskaya ul. 5, metro station “Chkalovskaya”)
Title of the event
"Project preparation workshop"
Short description of the event
Project preparation workshop is meant to provide training in project preparation for potential 2nd Call applicants and partners.
Contact person of the event
Sergey Balanev, Vladimir Skorokhodov
Contact phone
+ 7 812 325 83 51; + 7 812 325 51 84
Additional information about the event
Seminar will end 17:30