Can you give some example of “mean”?
Means are personnel, trainings, equipment etc.
Can we leave some logical framework boxes blank?
Yes, but normally all boxes must be filled.
How much free space there is in the AF to describe activities?
Space for description is limited, average it is 1000 characters to each box, but you can prepare activity description and attach it like an annex of AF.
Can ‘project reports’ be an indicator?
Yes, of course.
What are the project outputs?
For example real constructed objects are outputs, not indicators. You can measure results by indicators. Outputs are expected results.
Do we have to describe activities packages 1 and 2 in the logical framework?
Yes all the activities have to be described in logframe, including some indicators.
What information must be described in page X Logframe box specific objective? Should it be objective of Programme or objective of the current project?
In this case, it must be information connected with project specific issues.
If in the Application Form any tips how correctly fill in page X Logframe?
Yes, putting mouse cursor on box you will see detailed information, which helps you to fill current box in this page.
Where project result must be described in the full Application Form?
Project results must be described in the AF page I Description point 3.2 and page VII Time Plan.
What does the Lead Partner principle mean?
Coordination work, responsibility towards Programme and signature of the Grant contract, partners are involved with partnership agreement, where detailes, including financial issues, are included. Each partner is responsible for his part, Lead partner is responsible for ineligible costs rised by the partner.