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  • Is it compulsory to attach the visibility plaques to each project output?

    Project implementation
    2012-08-30 08:35:58

    Installation of visibility signs onto construction sites, equipment, etc, should comply with the common sense; the idea of visibility signs is to provide the clear understanding to the third parties that given construction site, renovated road, purchased equipment, etc. were obtained within implementation of the CBC project.

  • Can the Applicant engage the specialist of the partner organisation to become its Project Coordinator?

    Project implementation
    2012-08-30 08:35:18

    Partners cannot contract and/or invoice each other as it creates the cost share situation. At the same time, hiring a specialist, who comes from the project partner organization, creates the conflict of interest as any project staff – subcontracted or employed by labour contract – is subject to procurement/employment procedure.

  • What does Month 1 in the Time Plan of the Full Application Form mean?

    Project implementation
    2012-08-30 08:32:22

    Month 1 is the first month of the project implementation, and may not comply with calendar months. For example, if project starts in March 2013, then this will be the Month 1 of the project. Similar approach is to apply for quarterly Time Plan.

  • Why to consult with information managers during preparation of the Full Application Form?

    Basic programme rquirements
    2012-08-30 08:31:49

    Due to ensuring visibility of the project implies certain actions/products and costs, it is advisable to consult with the Programme Information Manager in case of any questions concerning this component of the project proposal.

  • Can one person be the project manager and financial manager at the same time?

    Project implementation
    2012-08-30 08:30:50

    One person can perform as the project manager and financial manager at a time. However, this mode should be duly justified, and the involvement of such a person should not exceed 1 full workload. Double salary cannot be applied.

  • Should we bind the whole application into one pile? If the application is too big, can it be split into several parts?

    Basic programme rquirements
    2012-08-30 08:29:53

    The application pack consists of Full Application Form and supporting documents, which should be stitched together into a single pack. Only technical documentation may not be stitched to the main application pack.

  • If the project manager and accountant will be as outsource, do we have to submit salary statement in the organisation? The salary for the project manager and accountant as an outcome of procurement can`t be more than salary in the organisation or according to average salaries in the respective country?

    Budget and finances
    2012-08-29 09:57:37

    Despite the project management staff is outsourced, the project partners/applicants should justify the cost of contract by either indicating average salary the organisation normally pays to its employees of the same rank, or by demonstrating the results of the labour market research in the area where the partner/applying organisation is located. The staff costs should be comparable with the salaries on the market and have to be calculated based on national legislation requirements and the principle of economy, efficiency and effectiveness, stated within the Section of the Guidelines for Grant Applicants.

  • Can the Lead partner of the Project change/increase the Project budget more than 20% as it was shown in the Concept Note? The lead partners` budget will be increased, the partner’s budget - will not.

    Budget and finances
    2012-08-29 09:56:29

    Due to the Concept Notes were recommended by the Selection Committee and approved by the Joint Monitoring Committee for the shortlist with the proposed budget, it is recommended to avoid the changes in the budget, unless these are minor technical adjustments.
    Though it is not forbidden to vary detailed total budget from the estimated total budget within 20% limit, it is considered that changes of the budget may impact the role of partners in project implementation and expected results of the project.

  • Are costs for technical expertise of construction works eligible?

    2012-08-29 09:55:35

    The costs of technical expertise are eligible within the project implementation if it is foreseen by the national legislation and inseparable part of construction works.

  • Is it eligible to cover travel costs (trips, accommodations, meals, daily allowances) for the participants of the events which are not from Programme territory (e.g. lecturer from Germany?)

    2012-08-29 09:55:02

    Travel costs of participants from the outside of the Programme area are eligible if the following conditions are respected: (1) participation should be justified and relevant to project implementation; (2) the total amount of the project budget spent for project activities outside the Programme area should not exceed 10% of total eligible costs of the project, as per Section of the Guidelines for Grant Applicants.

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