Today is Wednesday, 2025.02.19

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  • If there is planned one public procurement/tender procedure to purchase all equipment, supplies and services needed for one project activity - simple renovation and equipment, supplies for premises, do we have to in project application budget split the costs between section 3. Equipment and supplies and section 5. Other costs and external services, indicating each equipment, supply planned to be purchased and section 3. of the budget and works to be carried out within this tender in section 5. of the budget?
    The tender is planned one for amount of ~342 000 EUR and there is one contract plan.
    Can we put under Section 5 of the budget Other costs and external services - 1 tender procedure and whole sum of the procedure?

    Budget and finances
    2012-08-08 17:53:45

    The project budget (Worksheet XIV) should contain sufficient level of detail. Therefore, please, make sure that all cost items are listed. 20-40 budget rows can be used for description of the project costs depending on the budget heading. Depending on the type of costs the Applicant is asked to provide a breakdown (cost estimation) of costs in the Application Form or as annex to the Application Form. A single procurement procedure can be organised, but description in Project budget should be detailed enough, that Assessor understands what kind of expenditures are planned and how they will lead to reaching Project objectives.

    Please note that all costs of works and services related to construction, renovation, installation of infrastructure and their supervision, also costs of preparation of the technical documentation should be listed under the Budget Heading 6 “Infrastructure”.

  • Please, can you help! I am having difficulties with the formatting of the full form. It is not possible to copy-paste into the excel fields, meaning that everything needs to be retyped by hand. This is really inefficient and makes problems for partners that are non-native speakers. Please advise how text can be copy pasted into the full application form! Thank you.

    Filling in and submission of the Concept Note
    2012-08-08 09:13:38

    The Full Application Form (FAF) should not be formatted! Please download it once again from the Programme homepage. The correct FAF enables pasting of copied content. Please make sure that the you are working with and plan to submit to the JTS is Microsoft Excel 2003 file as it is published on the Programme homepage.

  • Do You accept the project's concept note applied by Riga City Council Housing and Environment department? It was Priority II, Measure 2.1 (There were three co-partners with us - Daugavpils, Rezekne, Kingisepp). Thank you.

    Basic programme rquirements
    2012-07-18 12:47:18

    Dear Ilona,

    All applicants have received official letters with the results of the evaluation of the Concept Notes submitted under the 2nd Call for Proposals.

  • Are rules of origin and nationalities applicable for Russian public entities?

    Basic programme rquirements
    2012-05-24 09:38:09

    The Russian public entities carrying out procurement procedures on the territory of the Russian Federation under the national legislation of the Russian Federation, can apply national rules of origin and nationality, as long as goods, works or service providers of the Russian origin do not prevail over those goods coming from a foreign state and services/works performed by foreign natural and legal persons

  • How could be calculated "in kind" of the organisation (for example, work of volunteers, using of our rooms for work and organisation of seminars?)?
    Could these 10 % of our organisation contribution be used to organise an expedition essential for this project (thus this money will be used for camp organising, food for stuff, petrol and so on)? In this case this money should be firstly transferred to the account of the project or we can directly use them and then show our financial report made in our organisation? Thank you in advance.

    Budget and finances
    2012-02-11 08:55:28

    In-kind contribution, except for unpaid voluntary work and use of the Beneficiary’s and/or the project partner’s own premises for implementation of the project activities, is not eligible. Each project partner can report the value of in-kind contribution only up to 10% of its total eligible expenditure.

    Unpaid voluntary work is defined as a work that is done on a voluntary basis for which the person does not receive any remuneration from whatever source or which is not part of his/her paid assignment within the organisation he/she is working at. For example: 1) students carrying out research for the project; 2) volunteers working for a partner organisation and not receiving any salary/wage for the work done within the project.

    Unpaid voluntary work must be:
    1) essential to the project; 2) based on a written agreement; 3) proved by timesheets indicating the hours worked for the project and signed by the volunteer and his/her supervisor; 4) minimum monthly or hourly official national net salary level is followed when calculating the value of in-kind contribution.

    Use of the Beneficiary’s and/or the project partner’s own premises for implementation of the project activities (e.g. for seminars, conferences, etc.) shall be described in the project budget. Justification on economic efficiency shall be provided. (Daily office running costs are not considered as an in-kind cost).

    The in-kind contribution in case the Applicant and/or the project partner(s) is using its own premises for implementation of the project activities, have to be based on real costs, calculated on pro rata basis according to duly justified and clear method and backed up by evidence documents. Calculation of these costs has to be specified in the project budget.

    All in-kind contribution costs should be included in the project budget, calculated on pro rata basis according to duly justified and clear method and backed up by evidence documents.

  • Is Rosprofsport organization eligible to be a partner or not? Organization is a labor union, consisting on 48 territorial organizations in all the Russia, so NGO.
    Organization has its official legal adress in Moscow, but two official representation offices are in Moscow and in Saint-Petersburg.

    2012-02-10 14:34:39

    NGOs and other non-profit making bodies are eligible for grant (see GfGA section 2.1.1). However, in addition to the requirements set in this section the applicant and the project partner(s) must be located (have their legal address) in the Programme area.

    Only international organizations may act as the Beneficiaries or the project partners if they have the local representation office in the Programme participating country and work directly for the Programme area and on the condition it is this local representation office which will implement the Project activities.

  • If the Concept Note is accepted, is is permissible to make some minor changes to the budget in the full proposal? Is there a % of increase/decrease that is appropriate?

    Budget and finances
    2012-02-10 11:48:29

    The detailed total budget of the Full Application Form may not vary from the estimated total budget provided in the Concept Note by more than 20%.

  • Could you clarify what is expected in 7. Methodology? It is not clear how this is different from 5. Planned Project Activities. Should 7. answer the question 'How' or the question 'Why'?

    Filling in and submission of the Concept Note
    2012-02-10 11:46:28

    Under the section 5 "Planned project activities" of the Concept Note the Applicant should list the activities which will be implemented in order to achieve results of the project and where possible, provide quantification of the proposed activities.

    Under the section 7 "Methodology" of the Concept Note the Applicant should describe the methods of project implementation and reasons for the proposed methodology.

    To understand the Programme expectations towards the discription of the methodology of the project please consult the Section 3 of the Full Application Form and Section 9.3.4 of the Project Cycle Management Guidelines (

  • What is the difference between beneficiary and target group?

    Basic programme rquirements
    2012-02-07 13:58:51

    It is recommended to make clear distinction between Beneficiary in the capacity of the project's lead partner as above AND Beneficiaries (PRAG)- Are those who benefit in whatever way from the implementation of the project. Distinction may be made between: (a) Target group(s): the group/entity who will be immediately positively affected by the project at the Project Purpose level; (b) Final beneficiaries: those who benefit from the project in the long term at the level of the society or sector at large, e.g. “children” due to improved agricultural production and marketing.

  • Are there any restrictions for outsourcing?

    Project implementation
    2012-02-06 11:53:04

    Outsourcing as such is not eligible costs. Partners can conclude contracts for services that they cannot do themselves. In these cases rules of procurement must be observed.
    One must always remember the specific requirement of the programme - rules of origin.
    In Estonia and Latvia national rules concerning procurement are taken into consideration, in the Russian Federation it is Law No.94 or PRAG for NGOs and SMEs.

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