Role of the Estonia-Latvia-Russia CBC Programme in the socio-economic development of border regions: progress and achieved results, Ms Dace Grūberte, Head of the JMA
European Cultural Routes: Sustainable Network Management and their Socio-Economic Impact Evaluation, Ms Kseniya Khovanova-Rubicondo, Expert of the Council of Europe
Socio-economic development of the Hansa route through centuries, Dr.oec., Assoc. Professor Mr Viesturs Pauls Karnups, University of Latvia
The capital gathered by the Programme and its Tourism Projects during their implementation until the year 2013 and possible use of this capital for the ENI 2014-2020, Ms Unda Ozoliņa, Head of the Joint Technical Secretariat
Via Hanseatica tourism route: Enhancing our heritage and advancing our regions, Ms Sille Talvet, Project Manager of Via Hanseatica Project
“Via Hansa” - Hanseatic Lifestyle, Mr Ēriks Lingebērziņš, Via Hansa Group company Balticvision Riga CEO
Tourism development in Pskov Oblast – role of the Project “Tour de Latgale & Pskov”, Ms Olga Alexeyeva, Head of Tourism Development Department, State Committee on Culture of the Pskov region, Pskov Oblast Administration
Lessons learned and future perspective – implementation results of the cross border tourism project “Enjoy the best in Latvia, Estonia and Russia!” Ms Linda Bēce, Project Manager of the Project “Enjoy Latvia, Estonia and Russia!”