Conference Presentations
„Joint solutions for the benefit of the Estonia-Latvia-Russia border areas”, 4 June 2014, Gatchina
1. “Estonia – Latvia – Russia CBC Programme contribution to the development of regions”, Ms. Iruma Kravale, Head of Development Instruments Department, Ministry of Environmental Protection and Regional Development of the Republic of Latvia
Plenary Session I - “Development of the border-crossing and logistics in the Programme area”:
2. “Complex reconstruction border crossing points in Ivangorod and in Narva” - LSP-2 and “Reconstruction of border checkpoint “Vientuli” (Latvia) and arrangement of border checkpoint “Brunishevo” (Russia)” - LSP-4 , Ms. Angelika Zaboeva, Deputy Head of Unit for International Relations, Department of State policy, ROSGRANITSA
3. “Improvement of Traffic and Border Crossing Possibilities in Värska-Pechory Monastery Road” - LSP-1, Mr. Kuno Mannik, Regional director of Estonian Road Administration
4. “Development of the unique Narva-Ivangorod fortresses ensemble as a single cultural and tourist object” - LSP-6, Ms. Tatyana Koptelova, Senior scientific researcher, "Museum Agency" of Leningrad Region
Plenary Session II - “Encouraging business and entrepreneurship - success stories”:
5. “Promoting the use of cultural heritage and resources in product development in border areas” , Mr. Aarne Leima, Union of Setomaa Rural Municipalities
6. “Logistics and Overland Transport Network for Training "Blue Collars"”, Mr. Mikhail Pimonenko, St.Petersburg University of Telecommunications
Plenary Session III
“Cross border cooperation for future – benefits for children”
7. “Capitalization of the children project thematic”, Ms. Unda Ozolina, Head of the Joint Technical Secretariat
8. “Awareness Rising and Investments in Energy Efficiency: Jõhvi and Kingisepp”, Ms. Maria Laanemäe, Jõhvi Municipality Government
9. “Be good at sport through three countries”, Ms. Marika Post, Valga town
10. “Sun and Wind: Universal Renewables for Local Sustainability”, Ms. Viivika Nagel, Rõuge municipality
Prospects of future ENI CBC Programmes
11. Prospects of future Estonia-Russia CBC Programme, Ms. Julia Koger, European Territorial Cooperation Bureau Advisor, Regional Development Department, Ministry of Interior of the Republic of Estonia
12. Prospects of future Latvia-Russia CBC Programme, Ms. Ilze Krieva, Deputy Director of Development Instruments Department, Ministry of Environmental Protection and Regional Development of the Republic of Latvia