1st Joint Monitoring Committee meeting
The first Joint Monitoring Committee Meeting of the Estonia – Latvia – Russia Cross Border Cooperation Programme within European Neighbourhood and Partnership Instrument 2007 – 2013
The first Joint Monitoring Committee Meeting of the Estonia – Latvia – Russia Cross Border Cooperation Programme within European Neighbourhood and Partnership Instrument 2007 – 2013 (the Programme) was held at the premises of the Ministry of Regional Development and Local Government on 19 - 20 March 2009.
The Joint Monitoring Committee has overall responsibility for effectiveness and quality of the Programme implementation.
The Joint Monitoring Committee includes the representatives of each Programme participating country – Estonia, Latvia and Russia. In accordance with the Programme different institutional levels are represented in the Joint Monitoring Committee – national, regional or local. The representative of the European Commission participates in Joint Monitoring Committee meetings as an observer without any decision making power. Representatives of the Joint Managing Authority and the Joint Technical Secretariat participate in the Joint Monitoring Committee meetings in advisory capacity. Technical organization of the meetings of the Joint Monitoring Committee will be ensured by the Joint Managing Authority until establishing of the Joint Technical Secretariat,
The aim of the meeting of the Joint Monitoring Committee was to reach decisions concerning issues listed below in order to ensure good quality management of the Programme at the same time respecting positions of the all national, regional or local level institutions nominated by the Programme participating countries – Estonia, Latvia and Russia.
Decisions concerning following issues were reached at the meeting:
- Setting up the Joint Monitoring Committee, selection of the Chairperson and co-chairperson of the Joint Monitoring Committee, Approval of the Rules of Procedure of the Joint Monitoring Committee;
- Approval of the Technical Assistance budget for 2009;
- Approval of the Annual Work Plan for implementation of the Programme for 2009;
- Approval of the Annual Work Programme 2009 for Grants;
- Unclear issues for Guidelines to Grant Applicants;
- Approval of the Information and visibility plan of the Programme for 2009;
- Approval of the Rules of Procedures of the Joint Technical Secretariat, job descriptions and qualification of the staff for the Joint Technical Secretariat;
- Other issues.
The launch of the first Call for Proposals is expected after signing of the financial agreement between European Commission and Russian Federation.
The Programme was approved 17 December 2008 by the European Commission’s decision No C (2008) 8332.
The Programme is significant tool utilising potential of the wider border region for its economic development to attract productive investments for better employment and creation of prosperity. The specific objective is to make the wider border area an attractive place for both its inhabitants and businesses through activities aimed at improving the living standards and investment climate.
The Programme priorities are:
- The first priority – Socio-economic Development,
- The second priority – Common Challenges,
- The third priority - Promotion of People to People Cooperation.
Total budget of the Programme is 55 874 707.50.