
Almost 50% of projects supported by the Programme are in the phase of preparation of final reports or will face it during first half of 2015. In order to support projects in preparation of final reports JTS is organizing 4 identical Briefing/Consultation meetings in Estonia, Latvia and Russia in February 2015. The focus of the event will be preparation of final reports – providing information about the activities that have been carried out, reached outputs and results, compliance with requirements of information and visibility, and reporting of financing. Briefings and consultations will be held in format of discussion and exchange of information and best practice about important issues that concern final reporting and closing of the projects. Read more

13 января 2015 года состоялось празднование установки стропил в новом терминале пешеходного пункт пропуска Нарва-1 (Peterburi mnt 1, Нарва, Эстония). Церемония ознаменовала важный этап строительных работ, когда достигается максимальная высота нового здания, а также следовала старым народным традициям Эстонии отблагодарить строителей за сделанную работу, и тем самым обеспечить хорошую судьбу здания. Строительные работы на пункте пересечения границы (МАПП), как ожидается, будут завершены летом 2015 года. Read more

On 13 January 2015 the rafter party of the new pedestrian terminal of Narva-1 border crossing point (Peterburi mnt 1, Narva, Estonia) took place. The ceremony marked significant stage of the construction works when the maximum height of the new building is reached, as well it followed Estonian old folk tradition to treat builders at the undertaking and thereby ensure the good fortune of the building. Construction works of the border crossing point (BCP) are expected to be completed in summer 2015. Read more

13. jaanuril 2015 peeti Narva-1 piiripunkti uue jalakäijate terminali sarikapidu, millega tähistati hoone maksimaalse kõrguse saavutamist ja olulist vaheetappi ehituses. Piduliku sündmuse eesmärgiks oli kostitada ehitajaid, et vastavalt rahvapärimusele tagada seeläbi hoonele hea õnn ja luua head suhted majavaimuga. Piiripunkt valmib lõplikult käesoleva aasta suvel.
Ehitustööde eesmärk on muuta piiriületus Narva ja Ivangorodi piiripunktides inimeste jaoks kiiremaks ja mugavamaks.
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New Video is released by the Programme and reflects the First Cross Border Trade Fair of Student Firms that was organised in Värska, Estonia at the end of 2014. Trade Fair was an activity within trilateral cross-border cooperation project “Business Heritage” and involved young entrepreneurs from Setomaa (Estonia), Pechory (Russia) and Ape (Latvia). The fair was open to the public and offered possibility for young traders to communicate with numerous customers, introduce their products to audience and make real business. Photo Gallery. Read more

The cross-border cooperation project “Improvement of higher vocational education in the field of transport and logistics”, elaborated by project partners from Latvia and Russia, is focused on improvement of vocational training programme corresponding to the trends of transport and logistics industry. Project outputs including motor vehicle studying programme in Latvian and Russian, upgraded technical grounds, distance learning tool have high potential to impact cross-border socio-economic development in the sphere of transport and logistics and attract local young people to develop their skills and knowledge to improve their employment prospects. Read more

Latvia for the first time is assuming the task of presiding the Council of the European Union from 1 January 2015 to 30 June 2015. It is taken over from Italy and afterwards the reins of the presidency will be handed over to Luxembourg. The presidency of the Council of the European Union rotates among the Member States every six months and the country holding the presidency drives forward the Council's work. The EU Council is an essential decision maker which together with the European Parliament adopts legislation and coordinates EU policies. The logo for the Latvian presidency of the Council of the European Union is based on the classic image of the grinding stone and all information related to the Latvian EU Presidency can be looked up in special website
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Латвия в течение шести месяцев с 1 января по 30 июня 2015 впервые будет возглавлять Совет Европейского Союза. Председательство перешло от Италии и по окончании срока будет передано Люксембургу. Председательство в Совете Европейского Союза сменяется по принципу ротации среди членов-государств каждые 6 месяцев и председательствующая страна ведет работу Совета. Совет Евросоюза имеет значимый вес в принятии решений, который совместно с Европейским Парламентом принимает законодательство и координирует политику ЕС. Логотип Латвийского председательства разработан на основе классического изображения мельничного жернова. Вся информация касательно Председательства Латвии в ЕС содержится на специальном сайте Read more

The first half of the year 2015, Riga IT Demo Centre will be working in close cooperation of Secretariat of the Latvian Presidency of the Council of the European Union. More than 200 events and about 30 000 visitors are planned for the first half of 2015 most of which will be held at National Library of Latvia. The project “Baltic ICT Platform” has had a significant opportunity to establish the effective network of Demo Centres in cooperating regions. Riga IT Demo Centre has successfully developed close relationships with similar Demo Centres in Tallinn, Tartu, St. Petersburg, and Ventspils, creating Demo Centre Network and is open for new partners. Through networking, sharing knowledge and experience, the centre has supported the cooperation and increase of the usage of modern ICT technologies by various state institutions and businesses to serve the society and the industry. Read more

The year 2014 for the Programme and its supported Projects brought touchable results. Till the end of the year in total 36 or 72% out of 50 projects supported by the Programme accomplished its activities. Out of them 10 projects in spheres of culture, energy efficiency, tourism development, preservation of natural resources, cultural and historical heritage were accomplished in December 2014. In addition, during year 2014 final results of 9 projects were compiled and it was possible to present them in a new publication called Results Sheet to wider public and INTERACT. 14 projects, including 5 Large Scale Projects, are prolonged and their implementation will be accomplished in 2015. Read more