
New selection of photos is now placed on the central banner and we present excellent cultural and historical heritage of the Programme territory there - pots from North Latgale, Sangaste Polka and flowers from grass of Dedovichi. Look for more photos and enjoy memorable moments of celebration of the European Cooperation Day 2014 – Sangaste (Estonia), Dedovichi (Russia), Balvi (Latvia). Read more

On 27 November Professor Igor Kabashkin of Riga Transport and Telecommu- nication Institute is going to give his lecture on European Strategy for Development of Transport and Logistics in the Baltic Sea Region. The lecture is meant for students of logistics specialities in vocational training education, but it might also attract attention of wider public. The lecture organized in the framework of LogOnTrain project starts at 10:30 and will be held in English. Please follow the lecture on-line on the website of the LogOnTrain project at . Read more

The conference and first Cross-border Student Firms Trade Fair held on 21-22 November 2014 in Värska, Estonia attracted great number of students and visitors from Estonia, Latvia and Russia. More than hundred enthusiastic students and 22 student companies from Setomaa, Ape municipality and Pechory district gathered in Värska Culture Centre to sell their products, acquire new ideas and experience, to make contacts with youngsters from neighbour countries as well as to participate in friendly competition. To learn who won smart awards from the competent jury, provided by the Programme, Read more

On 14 November Estonia-Latvia-Russia CBC Programme was presented at the 10th Anniversary International Conference “Cross-Border Cooperation: the Russian Federation, the European Union and Norway” in St.Petersburg, Russia. It was jointly participated by all five CBC ENPI Programmes involving Russia. The Conference hosted by the St. Petersburg City Administration was organised by the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation, the authorities responsible for the border regions of the Russian Federation and ANO “Northwest Development and Investment Agency”. Ms Zanda Mangule, Deputy Head of the Joint Managing Authority of the Programme, introduced the audience with the most important lessons learnt of Estonia-Latvia-Russia Programme on such issues as projects selection and assessment, programme management and preparation of the next period programmes. Photos of the event can be viewed at the Gallery. Read more

A new business contact portal started its operation in October. The portal developed in the framework of the cross-border cooperation project “Fostering of Socio-Economic Development and Encouraging Business in Border Areas" (FOSTER SME) is a modern and innovative solution for entrepreneurs to briefly and meaningfully tell about themselves and their products in order to find and follow the activities of cooperation partners and use the advertisements in one place and free of charge. Read more

Improvement of the social environment and ensuring its accessibility is one of the indicators which characterize the welfare of the state, including friendly environment to every inhabitant, as well as the equity to receive services. During 17 months of implementation of the Project “Nature Therapy for the Improvement of Equal Living Standards in Latvia-Russia Border Areas” (Nature Therapy) which finalized its activities on 14 October, 9 social sites were improved for better accessibility and rehabilitation opportunities of children with special needs and social risk groups in border areas of Latvia and Russia. Read more

"Saving lives, saving money!" was the result-oriented motto of project "Increasing traffic system’s capability within EE-LV-RU international impor- tance transport corridors” (ESTLATRUS TRAFFIC). The Project has been implemented within the time period 1 April, 2012 - 30 September, 2014, supported by the Estonia-Latvia-Russia Cross Border Cooperation Programme. The Project increased traffic safety in long-term perspective by the improved road infrastructure; sustainability of this result is ensured by Cross-Border Cooperation Agreement signed between traffic safety institutions. Read more

A new report outlining how the European Neighbourhood and Partnership Instrument (ENPI) has contributed towards strengthening relations between the EU and its Neighbourhood Partner Countries has been released by EuropeAid. The report “European Neighbourhood Instrument 2007-2013 – Overview of Activities and Results”, outlines the achievements of the past seven years. It covers the general aspects of support to the Neighbourhood partnership, refers to the regional effort, includes a country-by-country breakdown, and offers many examples of activities undertaken. Read more

On 17 October 2014 Karlova boat harbour in Tartu (Estonia) was ceremonially opened by the Mayor of Tartu City Mr Urmas Klaas in presence of numerous citizens, Tartu visitors, project partners from Estonia and Pskov Region (Russia) and media representatives. New harbour gives additional opportunities for fostering the water traffic on Emajõgi river as well as on Lake Peipsi, encourages entrepreneurship and development of tourism related businesses and contributes to improvement of environmental conditions of the region. Read more

Project „Cross Border Atletics” develops cross border cooperation among children and youngsters through one of the most popular sport – light atlethics. In September and October on new ranning tracks of two recostructed stadiums in Latvia and Russia and in framework of the project international competitions have taken place. Competitions were organized in both partnertowns of the project – on 18-19 September in Smiltene, Latvia and on 2-3 October in Porhov, Russia. Excellent European level stadiums provide additional motivation for both young people and coaches, and in the future everyone can expect even better results. Read more