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7 October 2014 ECDay: For the second time ECDay QUIZ joined project partners and students of ST. Petersburg Transport University ECDay: For the second time ECDay QUIZ joined project partners and students of ST. Petersburg Transport University

On 23 September the Project "Logistics and Overland Transport Network for Training "Blue Collars"  (LogOnTrain) celebrated European Cooperation Day in Petersburg State Transport University, St. Petersburg, Russia. During the event the students of the university were given a lecture and took part in a QUIZ about European Union. The Project LogOnTrain already for the second time joins the ECDay celebrations with attractive QUIZ. Read more

6 October 2014 OPEN DAYS: "Growing Together" EU Regions and Cities put the theory into practice with investment plans for 2014-2020 OPEN DAYS: "Growing Together" EU Regions and Cities put the theory into practice with investment plans for 2014-2020

Starting from today 6 October till 9 October 2014, some 6,000 representatives from Europe's regions and cities will gather in Brussels for the 12th annual OPEN DAYS to exchange their views on how to make the reformed EU Cohesion Policy a reality for job creation and growth. OPEN DAYS – the European Week of Regions and Cities, co-hosted by the European Commission and the Committee of the Regions offers an invaluable platform for discussion and debate on how the Member States' investment strategies for EU regional funding will help deliver on European goals and get regions growing again. The Partnership Agreements and Operational Programmes are currently being analysed by the Commission services to ensure a realistic and efficient plan is in place for the best use of funding. Read more

6 October 2014 PEOPLE WITH NATURE: The project has been successfully completed PEOPLE WITH NATURE: The project has been successfully completed

On 30 September the Estonian-Latvian-Russian cross-border cooperation project “Promoting nature education as efficient mean of awareness raising” (People with Nature) has been completed; this project has made considerable contribution to the nature education development in the region where the project has been implemented. Read more

3 October 2014 T&L: Academic staff of Project partners took part in Study Visit to Frankfurt Automotive Industry Fair AUTOMECHANIKA 2014 T&L: Academic staff of Project partners took part in Study Visit to Frankfurt Automotive Industry Fair AUTOMECHANIKA 2014

On 17 – 21 September a group of teachers from Malnava College and Academic Park (Latvia) and Pskov Agrotechnical College (Russia) visited Automotive Industry Fair “Automechanika 2014”, held in Frankfurt (Germany). The study visit was one of activities focused on training and qualification upgrade of academic staff within Motor Vehicle vocational education program. 
The study visit was held within the Project “Improvement of higher vocational education in the field of transport and logistics” (T&L). Read more

1 October 2014 Intangible cultural and historical heritage exposition opened in Balvi during the European Cooperation Day 2014 Intangible cultural and historical heritage exposition opened in Balvi during the European Cooperation Day 2014

On 30 September ceremonial EC Day action „Let’s preserve Grand Oak!” and grand opening of digital exposition of the North Latgale (Latvia) intangible cultural heritage gathered young and elderly in new Museum of Blavi County. Celebrations were co-organized by project "Preserve not to lose!” and included demonstration of respectable project implementation achievements. Exposition is unique and modern, and newest technologies allowe to put all, what has been collected and kept in storage rooms, in attractive and interactive context of todays needs. Traditional values of North Latgale, like folklore, traditional singing and its collectors and performers, etnography, crafts, craftmanship and its carriers, private collections and materials about Balvi – all has been digitalized and integrated in audio and visual materials. Read more

30 September 2014 ESTRUSFORTTOUR-2: Narva Castle Park awarded by the President Toomas Hendrik Ilves ESTRUSFORTTOUR-2: Narva Castle Park awarded by the President Toomas Hendrik Ilves

On 24 August 2014 the President of the Estonian Republic Toomas Hendrik Ilves handed awards to the winners of the competition and approved the protocol of the Estonian Union of House Improvement. The ceremony took place in Paide Cultural Centre. Narva Castle Park among other winners got the award “Beautiful Estonian House 2014”. The park was reconstructed and put in order during implementation of the international project “Unique Estonian-Russian fortresses ensemble development as a single tourist product. Stage II” (EstRusFortTour-2). Read more

29 September 2014 LSP-3: Final trip around all restored and built infrastructure sites in Estonia and Russia summed up the finalizing project LSP-3: Final trip around all restored and built infrastructure sites in Estonia and Russia summed up the finalizing project

On 16 – 19 September Large Scale Project “Economically and environmentally sustainable Lake Peipsi area” (Common Peipsi) held its Final event – grand 4 day trip around all infrastructure investment sites reconstructed or created within the project. Representatives of the Beneficiary, Estonian Ministry of the Interior, and all 10 partners and 4 associated partners gathered to see with their own eyes what a great job has been done and noticeable results achieved within almost 4 years of project implementation. Read more

29 September 2014 Dedovichi, Russia, met the European Cooperation Day - 2014 with bread-and-salt, planted oak tree and opened Cultural Heritage Centre Dedovichi, Russia,  met the European Cooperation Day - 2014 with bread-and-salt, planted oak tree and opened Cultural Heritage Centre

On 25 September the second ECDay event took place in Dedovichi, Russia with the opening of the Cultural Heritage Centre co-organized by the Estonia-Latvia-Russia Programme 2007-2013 and the Project “Preserve not to lose”. The opening ceremony was complemented by introduction of two information stands and tourism map which will attract attention to the sights and memorable places of Dedovichi District. A young oak tree was also jointly planted by the participants of the event to symbolize strong partnership and friendly ties between Estonian, Latvian and Russian partners. Read more

28 September 2014 ECDay: “Subbotnik” organised by Narva and Ivangorod neighbours to mark European Cooperation Day ECDay: “Subbotnik” organised by Narva and Ivangorod neighbours to mark European Cooperation Day

Teachers and pupils of Narva Soldina Gymnasium and Ivangorod secondary school No.2, students of State Institute of Aerospace Instrumentation, representatives from Ivangorod Art School, City Council and Administration of Ivangorod, Ivangorod museum staff and active young people productively worked in Big Bojarshi town of Ivangorod fortress. Subbotnik took place on 24 September 2014 in framework of a large scale project „Development of the unique Narva-Ivangorod fortresses ensemble as a single cultural and tourist object” and was dedicated to European Cooperation Day. Read more

27 September 2014 ECDay: Info-session on EU funded projects and QUIZ “101 questions on EU and ECDay” marked European Cooperation Day in Malnava College ECDay: Info-session on EU funded projects and QUIZ “101 questions on EU and ECDay” marked European Cooperation Day in Malnava College

On 24 September 2014, Malnava College organized European Cooperation Day event. About 200 young people – students of Malnava College took part in the event and especially – in the QUIZ “101 questions on EU and ECDay”. Malnava College implements the project “Improvement of higher vocational education in the field of transport and logistics” (T&L), financed by Estonia-Latvia-Russia Cross Border Cooperation Programme within European Neighbourhood and Partnership Instrument 2007-2013. Although ECDay was not a direct project activity, students were glad to join the movement. The idea of Malnava ECDay QUIZ was recognized in Milan during launching ceremony of European Cooperation Day on 16 September. Read more

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