
In the end of summer the inhabitants and guests of Aluksne, Latvia, and Pavlovsk, Russia, had a chance to enjoy two wonderful festivities arranged with participation of the cross-border cooperation project “Two pearls of landscaped parks in Eastern Europe” (LANDSCAPE PEARLS). Read more

In year 2014 sports project „CROSSBO ACTIVE” and tourism project „Tour de Latgale&Pskov” finalised activities and now fully present their outcomes and results through new product of the programme - RESULTS sheets, which are prepared by the Joint Technical Secretariat. Both projects resulted in well established cooperation networks between Latgale (Eastern part of Latvia) and Pskov Region, increase of capacity and knowledge in tourism marketing and healthy lifestyle. Each project created website. Read more about results and see photos of „CROSSBO ACTIVE” and „TOUR”. Read more

On 18 July was laid the cornerstone of Kallaste slip being constructed in the framework of the Large-scale infrastructure project “Economically and Environmentally Sustainable Lake Peipsi Area” (COMMON PEIPSI).
The project contributes to the improvement of the environmental situation of the Lake Peipsi, establishes preconditions for the development of water related tourism and increase in water related traffic and encourages entrepreneurship and development of tourism related businesses.
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The project “Development of the centres for culture and creative industries in Räpina, Vilaka and Pechory” (PROMOTING HERITAGE) was officially finalized on 11 July 2014, with the closing Conference in Pechory, Russia. Now as the last of the project public events – the opening of Culture Centre in Pechory - is successfully over, the main results of the project can be summarized.
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On the occasion of the European Cooperation Day 2014 celebration Estonia-Latvia-Russia cross border cooperation programme presents colorful poster with visual and factual evidences that from the activities and results of the programme benefit children, entrepreneurs, tourists, border crossers and local population. 39 great cultural events have taken place from year 2012 to year 2014, 9 sports facilities have been prepared for sportsmen, 62 cultural and historical sites have been created and restored. ECDay poster can be downloaded here. Read more

The Project "ARCHAEOLOGY, AUTHORITY & COMMUNITY: cooperation to protect archaeological heritage" (AAC) organized a month's experimental archaeological seminar where participants could feel Iron Age living environment and try building techniques of those days. Read more

The European Cooperation Day mobile app is now for download! This year, the mobile app developed for iOS and Android has been complemented with the version for Windows Phones. The app helps users to keep track of European Cooperation Day news and events happening all around Europe and beyond its borders. Read more

In July exchange visits of sports experts from Smiltene (Latvia) to Porhov (Russia) and of Porhov sports specialists to Smiltene took place in the frame of CBC project “Cross Border Athletics” (CBA). Stadiums in both towns are reconstructed and were presented to both partners.
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We are happy to congratulate “EstRusFortTour-II” Project implemented by Narva and Ivangorod with great reward for its active participation in the Photo-competition of the ENPI Programmes “Put your project in the picture!” and successful work. Read more
Migration Foundation Our People (MISA), the Narva College of the University of Tartu (Estonia) and the Herzen State Pedago- gical University (Russia) joined forces to give two years of refresher courses to speech therapists. The total of 55 people participated in the refresher courses including as well a training program in St. Petersburg. This April the project was completed. Read more