
Masquerade Festival, chanting ancient Latvian spring waiting festivities, this year gathered very international participants from regions of Latvia, from Hedemeste, Estonia, as well project partners from Volhov, Russia. Thanks to the project „Culture Arts” the theatre group „Svecha” from Volhov showed special performance „Maslenica”. On 7 and 8 February with closing seminar and Masquerade Festival the cross border cooperation culture project „Culture Arts” between Limbazi, Salacgrīva (Latvia) and Volhov (Russia) has come to an end. Read more

New green heritage tourist route has been compiled in a common tourist route map. The route is unique in the way that the Manor Houses with adjoining parks in St.Petersburg and Pskov (Russia), Rapina (Estonia), Gulbene and Riga (Latvia) are gathered in one map. Project „Green Heritage” partners from Latvia, Estonia and Russia for the first time jointly presented the route map in „Balttour 2014” (Latvia) and „Tourest 2014” (Estonia), but in March it will be presented to visitors of the biggest tourism Exchange „ITB Berlin” (Germany) and travel and tourism fair „MITT Moscow” (Russia).
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Watch the video, which has been filmed by the project GreenMan and is reflecting three tree planting actions in Estonia, Latvia and Russia last September marking the second European Cooperation Day. Trees were planted jointly by the Programme, the Project GreenMan, other Projects, mayors of Pskov, Rēzekne and Tartu and local community – representatives from administrations, highschool students and children. Read more

Joint Tree Planting Action within the European Cooperation Day 2013, when 9 pine trees were jointly planted in the territory of the recreation park near Mirozhsky Monastery in Pskov, Russia left appreciable green foot prints and tangible “marks”. E-voting brought Public Award of the Pskov Region “Narodnoje Priznanije – 2013” to NGO “Lake Peipsi Project, Pskov”, which is the Lead partner of the Green Man project. The award was presented by people of Pskov – both the public and experts and was granted in the nomination “Quality of Life” for the reconstruction of Dendropark near Mirozhsky Monastery, where restoration activities by Green Man project were implemented. Read more

NGO “Lake Peipsi Project, Pskov”, the Lead Partner of the Project “Tartu, Rezekne, Pskov: Green Management for Urban Development & Planning in EE-LV-RU Border Area” (GreenMan) won a prestigious public award of the Pskov Region "People Acknowledgement" (“Народное признание”). Read more

Three international fairs that took place in the capitals of the Baltic States were attended by Latgale planning region together with partners from Pskov Oblast within tourism development project „Tour de Latgale and Pskov”. Newly issued travel guide „Latgale unites!”, booklet "Open the Rus!" and recreation places near lakes and water bodies were of highest interest of neighbours. In a joint stand the project "Tour" presented tourism routes and 19 new recreation places in Latgale and 5 recreation places in Pskov Oblast. Read more

On 5 February 2014 the ceremonial opening of newly reconstructed promenades took place on both banks of River Narva. As a result of made investments the tourism potential of significant historical and cultural embankments of Narva and Ivangorod are expected to considerably increase. Read more
International contest of schoolchildren’s creative works “PEOPLE WITH NATURE” is announced by the Project “Promotion of ecological education as efficient means of awareness-building”(PEOPLE WITH NATURE) implemented with financial support of Estonia-Latvia- Russia Cross-border cooperation Programme 2007-2013. Read more
From 18 till 23 February 2014 Pskov regional public organization "Lake Peipsi Project", together with the Administrations of Pskov, Krasnogorodsk, Pytalovo and Pechory Districts of the Pskov Region and with the support of the Pskov Region Department of the State Inspection for Roads Safety (SIRS) is holding its next scheduled Traffic safety campaign "Father, Mother, Me - Safety Family". Read more

From 5 to 9 February, 2014 Via Hanseatica tourism route was presented in Germany at the tourism fair REISEN 2014 in Hamburg. This was this year’s second participation of the project Via Hanseatica in highly international tourism fairs outside Programme territory. Following message was brought from the fair: German tourists know what they want, but if the route Via Hanseatica attracted their attention, then almost surely Via Hanseatica will be chosen as destination of the next vacation. People interested in Via Hanseatica mostly has experience with travelling via Baltic States, but the opportunity to visit and enjoy the tourist offers in Russia could be the reason why to visit this region one more time. Read more