
On 21 September football ground in Pechory was opened after reconstruction. The opening ceremony was organized by the project “Cross countries through football” and contributed to the chain of events marking the European Cooperation Day 2013, showing the results of cross-border cooperation in promotion of sport . Read more

On 13 September a Lecture on ECDay and quiz were organized by the Project "Logistics and Overland Transport Network for Training “Blue Collars" for the students of the State Transport University.
First the participants of the event watched a resume video presentation about European Cooperation Day 2012. After that they were given an overview on active EU and ENPI CBC Programmes in the eastern part of the Baltic Sea Area. Finally students were offered a quiz of 20 questions about the EU, Schengen Area, the euro zone and the ECDay.
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On 23 September the Exhibition of drawings of Estonian and Russian children - participants of the International Children Drawing Contest "Narva and Ivangorod: united by border" was opened in the exhibition hall of the Leningrad Region Government, St. Petersburg, Russia. The competition and exhibition were organized by the project "EstRusFortTour-2". Read more

On 20 September participants of Estonia-Latvia-Russia cross-border cooperation Project “People with nature” visited Education centre “Raduga” in Pskov, Russia, where nature education lesson about nature values in the borderland for school children was organized within the European Cooperation Day 2013. Read more

Due to research background of the implemented Project “INFROM”, the researchers of the Project participated in Researchers’ Nights 2013, which took place on 27 September, to demonstrate visitors the results of European Territorial Cooperation in science. "INFROM" Project researchers Arnis Lektauers ( and Julija Petuhova ( presented results of the Project in a separate “Flood room” dedicated to flood subject. Read more
On September 26 public lecture “Cross-border cooperation: Narva-Ivangorod” was held jointly by three projects: "River Promenades II", "EstRusFortTour-2" and LSP "Narva-Ivangorod". Information about Narva and Ivangorod common projects in development of tourism, entrepreneurship and youth work was presented to wider public in the Narva College of Tartu University. Read more

The Head of the Joint Managing Authority of the Estonia-Latvia-Russia cross border cooperation programme Ms Dace Grūberte representing also the Ministry of Environmental Protection and Regional Development of the Republic of Latvia addressed the broad audience of the IX Annual International Conference «Cross-border Cooperation: the Russian Federation, the European Union and Norway» on September 20, 2013 in Petrozavodsk in the Republic of Karelia, Russian Federation. Ms Gruberte stressed the wide possibilities for the joint development of the border regions, which are provided by the cross border cooperation: for example, increase in production, trade and transit volumes, using logistics services, creating new jobs, attracting investments in the border regions. In the new period 2014-2020 the bilateral programme between Latvia and Russia will be introduced. Ms Gruberte announced that the new programme will be based on strengthening the economic cooperation and using potential of the programme area. Read more
Programme twitter account was opened in the end of August in testing regime and began working in September with coverage of ECDay activities. Some of the tweets were retweeted by the official ECDay twitter and were reflected on the ECDay web site. Read more

On 19 September the Grant Contract for reconstruction of Narva and Ivangorod Border Crossing Points has been countersigned by JMA of the Estonia-Latvia-Russia CBC Programme and Estonian Ministry of the Interior.
The aim of the project is to reconstruct the border crossing points in Narva and Ivangorod in order to improve overall capacity of border control points. It is planned to reconstruct both pedestrian and auto transport border crossing points on Estonian and Russian side.
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On 20 September two partners of the Project "Cooperation for Quality Education for Children at Social Risk" from Valmiera, namely Valmiera 5.Secondary school and Valmiera Children SOS Village, celebrated European Cooperation Day 2013 together with pupils of the Valmiera 5.Secondary school. Read more