Two new ENI future Programmes will be introduced during the Annual Event of the Programme by reparesentatives of the National Authorities of Estonia, Latvia and Russia following the decision of the Joint Monitoring Committee to establish two Joint Programming Committees in order to begin preparations of two future European Neighbourhood Instrument Programmes - ENI Estonia – Russia CBC and ENI Latvia – Russia CBC. Registration for the event is prolonged till 28 May 2013. Agenda of the Annual Event.
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For the first time in the history of the Programme, Joint Monitoring Committee approved 3 projects with an aim to improve energy efficiency and promote renewable energy sources within the Measure 2.3. First cross border energy efficiency project “Sun and Wind: Universal Renewables for Local Sustainability” for the Programme co-financing of 842 512, 90 eur was countersigned by the Joint Managing Authority of the Programme and Tartu Regional Energy Agency, Estonia. Read more
Grant Contract within the 2nd Call for Proposals for 198 202, 50 euro of the Programme co-financing has been countersigned by the JMA of the Programme and Latvian Office of Euroregion „Country of Lakes”. Cross-border social people to people project „Nature Therapy for the Improvement of Equal Living Standards in Latvia-Russia Border Areas” was accepted under the Priority 3 – promotion of people to people cooperation, Measure 3.2. – Cooperation in spheres of culture, sport, education, social and health. Read more

On 15 May 2013 the Grant Contract within the 2nd Call for Proposals for 267 384, 60 euro of the Programme co-financing has been countersigned by the JMA of the Programme and Vidzeme Tourism Association, by its Chairmen of the Board Mr Raitis Sijāts in Riga, Latvia. Cross-border Project for preservation of green heritage „Regeneration of Parks as Integral Part of Historical heritage” was accepted under the Priority 2 – common challenge, Measure 2.2. – preservation and promotion of cultural and historical heritage and support of local skills Read more
The registration for the Annual Event of the Estonia-Latvia-Russia Cross Border Cooperation Programme is ongoing and Event will take place in Sigulda, Latvia on 10 – 11 June 2013. First results of the Programme and for the first time two new future Programmes will be presented. Thematic focus will be on Programme's support to tourism development in Programme’s territory. Prominent Expert from the Council of Europe Ms Kseniya Khovanova - Rubicondo will address about socio-economic impact of the European Cultural Routes. Tourism Projects and many other Projects will be presented during the Conference and Project Exhibition.
Please see the Invitation and the latest Agenda of the Annual Event.
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On 7 May 2013 the Grant Contract within the 2nd Call for Proposals for 171 000,00 euro of the Programme co-financing has been countersigned by the JMA of the Programme and Viļāni Local Municipality, Latvia by the Head of Viļāni Local Municipality Mr Arnolds Pudulis in Riga, Latvia. Cross-border Project „Latvia-Russia united cultural information place and cooperation net shaping used by literary artistic creative potential” was accepted under the Priority 3 – promoting people to people cooperation, Measure 3.2. – Cooperation in spheres of culture, sport, education, social and health. Read more

On 30 April 2013 the Grant Contract within the 2nd Call for Proposals for 900 000 euro of the Programme co-financing has been countersigned by Balvi Municipality, Latvia by the Vice- Mayor of Balvi Municipality Ms Ināra Ņikuļina in Riga, Latvia. Cross-border Project „To preserve not to lose it - safeguarding of cultural heritage” was accepted under the Priority 2 – common challenge, Measure 2.2. – preservation and promotion of cultural and historical heritage and support of local skills. Read more

April was marked with signing six Grant Contracts with Projects supported within 2nd Call for Proposals. For the first time in the history of the Programme, Joint Monitoring Committee approved 5 projects with an aim to encourage business and entrepreneurship in the near border areas within the Measure 1.1. Project "Logistics and Overland Transport Network for Training ‘Blue Collars’" has been countersigned in Riga on 29 April 2013 by Mr Laur Speek, Director of the Valga County Vocational Training Centre (Estonia) and can begin planned activities in Estonia, Latvia and Russia. Projects within this measure will improve business environment and facilitate preconditions for investments, reduce risks for start ups and provide consultancy, exchange of know-how and will strengthen networks of entrepreneurs. Read more
Information Managers of the Joint Technical Secretariat have been consulting Projects on Communication and Visibility issues already for 1,5 year and out of the experience gained few changes were proposed into Communication and Visibility Guidelines and approved by the Joint Monitoring Committee on 10 April 2013. Updated Guidelines are renamed as Guidelines for Calls for Proposals and aplly now to Projects of both Calls for Proposals. Updated Russian version of these Guidelines is published here. Relevant changes have been made also in the Communication and Visibility Guidelines for Large Scale Projects.
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Based on the decision of the 7th meeting of the Joint Monitoring Committee on the changes of the staff of the Joint Technical Secretariat and in order to ensure effective implementation of the approved Projects, new position of the Project Manager is going to be established in the Main Office of the Joint Technical Secretariat in Riga. Please find the announcement and job description for the Project Manager. Read more