Data about the 1st Call Projects of the ENPI Estonia-Latvia-Russia cross border cooperation programme resently has been published in KEEP Data base. KEEP is conceived as an online tool and internet portal that utilises, capitalises and ensures the transfer of the knowledge of both INTERACT and European Territorial Cooperation programme information and gives an overview of 2000-2006 INTERREG / 2007-13 European Territorial Cooperation projects as this information is only stored at the Programme level. ENPI programmes are gradually joining KEEP. Read more

Grant Contract for 5, 8 million euro of ENPI Estonia-Latvia-Russia CBC Programme co-financing today has been countersigned with the State Joint Stock Company “State Real Estate” in Riga (Latvia). Large Scale Project “Reconstruction of BCP “Vientuļi” and arrangement of BCP “Brunishevo” ” has been supported under the Programme Priority I – socio-economic development and Measure – transport, logistics and communication solutions and will increase qualitative and quantitative capacity of Border Control Checkpoints Vientuli/Ludonka and Pededze/Brunishevo and thus improve overall capacity of the infrastructure in the Latvian-Russian border control points. Read more

In the framework of the Project „ESTLATRUS TRAFFIC” the action „Safe festivities!” was launched on 26 December in Pskov, Russia. Action is aimed at tourists and citizens of the border regions of the Pskov Oblast crossing the border by car during Christmas and New Year holidays from 27 December 2012 till 7 January 2013. During the action the State Inspection of Traffic Safety of Pskov Region is distributing leaflets, where different traffic safety rules that apply in Estonia, Latvia and Russia are introduced. Read more

On 13th and 14th December in Riga, Latvia the 6th Joint Monitoring Committee meeting of the ENPI Estonia-Latvia-Russia Cross Border Cooperation Programme took place. Meeting was chaired by Ms Ilze Krieva – Deputy Director of the Development Instruments Department of the Ministry of Environmental Protection and Regional Development of Latvia. Representing the National and Regional Authorities of Estonia, Latvia and Russia, members of the Joint Monitoring Committee discussed actual issues related to the implementation of the Programme.

On 18 December 2012 in Krivsk, Pechory District, Pskov oblast (Russian Federation), was organized international seminar „New Technologies in road construction” in the framework of the Large Scale Project “Safe Road”. The seminar was opened by the Head of Pechory Administration, J. Konchenko. There were presented perspectives for development of roads in Pskov oblast 2011-2015. Project partners involving Russian, Estonian public authorities and private construction companies and experts have discussed and compared methods, benefits and drawbacks concerning reconstruction of roads in Estonia and Russia, as well as the participants presented the project of reconstruction of roads and parking places, which will be executed in the Pechory district and the city of Pechory in 2013-2014 years.
By concluding the year 2012, the Joint Technical Secretariat has produced 6th Programme Newsletter. Autumn period was marked by four large Events organized by the Programme – the Conference „CBC EU-RF-Norway”, European Cooperation Day, Exhibition stand and the Conference during the V International St.Petersburg Innovation Forum and Annual Event of the Programme. Using new tools it is possible to read the Newsletter on-line here!
The 6th Meeting of the Joint Monitoring Committee will be held in Riga, Latvia. During the meeting the status of the Programme implementation will be reviewed, particularly in relation to the 2nd Call for Proposals and Large Scale Projects as well as the 1st Call for Proposals of the Programme, and decisions necessary for further ensuring effectiveness and quality of the Programme will be made. Programme Work Plan and Information and Visibility Plan for the year 2013 will be presented and discussed.

In the frame of the Project „ARCHAEOLOGY, AUTHORITY & COMMUNITY: cooperation to protect archaeological heritage“ in the Museum of Aluksne, Latvia on 30 November 2012 the lecture „Ancient traces of the Aluksne District: looking into results of archaeological research” was led by archaeologist Mr Uldis Kalējs. Around 90 participants were introduced with biggest researches in the mound of Druski, three ancient places and place of Aluksne Medieval Castle.
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Around 60 participants of two Reporting seminars, that took place in Pskov and St.Petersburg, Russia at the end of November, received the long awaited news about „VAT eligibility”. Staff of the Joint Technical Secretariat introduced participants with the content and explanation of the European Commission’s Letter dated 22 November 2012 on this issue.
European Commission sent a Letter to the Ministry of Regional Development of the Russian Federation resolving the long awaited „VAT eligibility” question for Russian Beneficiaries and Partners on 22 November 2012. The Letter clarifies the conditions for the VAT to become eligible in five Cross Border Cooperation (CBC) programmes within the European Neighbourhood and Partnership Instrument (ENPI) 2007-2013, in which the Russian Federation participates.