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10 October 2012 „Cross Border Cooperation. Advancing Partnership. Bridging together.” – Annual Event of the Programme invites to Narva (Estonia) „Cross Border Cooperation. Advancing Partnership. Bridging together.” – Annual Event of the Programme invites to Narva (Estonia)

On 31 October Estonia-Latvia-Russia Cross Border Cooperation Programme will hold its Annual Event in Narva (Estonia). Event is organized as the Conference and the Site Visit to Projects, which have started their implementation in two border cities Narva and Ivangorod by the end of 2011 and beginning 2012. Main aim of the Event is to promote cross border cooperation and the existent results of the Programme via introduction to several Projects and exchange of experience on practical implementation issues, as well to strengthen existing partnerships in already supported and future Projects. Read more

28 September 2012 ENPI cooperation during European Cooperation Day Key Action in Russian Federation ENPI cooperation during European Cooperation Day Key Action in Russian Federation

For the first time the participants and visitors of the V Saint-Petersburg International Innovation Forum got the possibility to familiarise themselves with works and innovative Projects of five ENPI Programmes cooperating with Russian Federation.
Joint Exhibition stand, as well the Conference attracted wide audience of the Forum and was organized in the framework of the European Cooperation Day as Programme's Key Action in Russian Federation on 26-27 September 2012.   Read more

24 September 2012 Simultaneous European Cooperation Day Actions in the Programme territory of the European Union and Russian Federation Simultaneous European Cooperation Day Actions in the Programme territory of the European Union and Russian Federation

„Two cities – Two Friends” - Narva River riversides near Narva (Estonia) and Ivangorod (Russia) fortresses ensemble on 21 September 2012 gathered local public for celebrities of the European Cooperation Day! Friendship balloons and paper floats were let into the air and water to have a simbolic unification of greetings to each other from other side of the broder!
Four Programme supported Projects were cooperating for this joint Local Action of the European Cooperation Day Read more

22 September 2012 EUROPEAN COOPERATION DAY CAKE together with Latvian Camping Association! EUROPEAN COOPERATION DAY CAKE together with Latvian Camping Association!

Celebration of the European Cooperation Day week in our Programme continues and on 22 September introduction to the new Catalogue with tourism routes "Families with Children" and "National Cuisine" took place near Limbazi (Latvia). While parents were occupied with preparations for participation in Tourism Exhibitions in 2013 within Project "Enjoy the best in Latvia, Estonia and Russia!", their children participated in several workshops - making cookies and European Cooperation Day cake, as well an owl and a house where owl can live. Read more


Snow came to Sigulda (Latvia) in last summer day on 21 September 2012  ... It is European Cooperation Day, when it is possible. In winter 2013/2014 real crosscountry skiing route will be opened in Sigulda - thanks to cross-border cooperation between Estonia-Latvia-Russia. Project "SVS Activetour" invests in sports infrastructure in all three countries. "People with Nature" is another Project, that brings children closer to nature and establishes Nature Education centres in all three countries. Read more

19 September 2012 Eiropas Savienība darbībā - svinēsim Eiropas sadarbības dienu 21.septembrī! Eiropas Savienība darbībā - svinēsim Eiropas sadarbības dienu 21.septembrī!

Eiropas Parlamentā Briselē, izsludinot vairāk nekā 200 pasākumu 40 valstīs, par ES reģionu politiku atbildīgais Komisijas loceklis Johanes Hāns teica: "Teritoriālās sadarbības projekti palīdz vairot uzticēšanos. Tie veicina saprašanos. Tie ir Eiropas integrācijas galvenās sastāvdaļas. Tie satuvina ļaudis — tāda ir Eiropas Savienība darbībā."
Eiropas sadarbības dienu 2012, ar saukli “Kopā ar kaimiņiem labākai nākotnei!” parīt 21.septembrī svinēs visā Eiropā. Eiropas reģionu un valstu pārrobežu sadarbības sasniegumus cildinās Eiropas sadarbības dienā, kuru pirmoreiz vienā un tajā pašā laikā visā Eiropā svinēs gan ES dalībvalstis, gan kaimiņvalstis.
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19 September 2012 European Union in Action on 21 September - European Cooperation Day! European Union in Action on 21 September - European Cooperation Day!

Speaking from the European Parliament in Brussels to launch more than 200 events in 40 countries, the EU’s Commissioner for Regional Policy Johannes Hahn said: “Territorial cooperation projects help build trust. They foster mutual understanding. They are essential ingredients of European integration. They bring communities together – this is the European Union in action.”

European Cooperation Day 2012  - carrying slogan “Sharing borders, growing closer”
will be celebrated on 21 September 2012. Celebrating achievements of European regions and countries working together across borders – that is what is behind European Cooperation Day.
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18 September 2012 Cross Border Cooperation supports Tourism Development in Latgale Region in Latvia Cross Border Cooperation supports Tourism Development in Latgale Region in Latvia

European Cooperation Day lecture took place in the Daugavpils University on 17 September 2012. Students studying economics were introduced to new approaches in tourism development in Latgale region (Latvia), which the Project "Tour de Latgale and Pskov" is implementing together with partners from Pskov with the support of the Programme. Read more

17 September 2012 Thematic European Cooperation Day lectures in Educational Institutions throughout Programme territory Thematic European Cooperation Day lectures in Educational Institutions throughout Programme territory

During the first European Cooperation Day lecture Students of the University of Latvia asked a simple question "Why we hear so little about cross-border cooperation?" To get less and less such questions week of the European Cooperation Day begins with several tematic lectures in Estonia and Latvia. Ms Unda Ozoliņa today together with the Project "Green Man" meets students at the Euro College of the Tartu University in Tartu (Estonia) and Project Manager Ms Ilze Skrebele-Stikāne together with the Project "Tour" will meet with students in Daugavpils University in Daugavpils (Latvia). Invited Projects will demonstrate examples of cooperation with closest neighbours across borders. Read more

13 September 2012 For greener Programme territory - Friendship Alley in the center of Tartu City (Estonia) For greener Programme territory - Friendship Alley in the center of Tartu City (Estonia)

European Cooperation Day in Tartu (Estonia) was celebrated on 12 September 2012 by symbolic Action - plating trees in the Friendship Alley on the embankment of Emajogi River. Partners of the Project "GreenMan" gathered for this green activity and together with the Vice-Major of Tartu Mr Raimond Tamm planted first three trees in the Friendship Alley. Read more