Programmi ühine tehniline sekretariaat korraldas kolm konsultatsiooni suuremahuliste projektide taotlejatele ja partneritele toetamaks projektitaotluse ettevalmistuse protsessi. Täismahus projektitaotlus tuleb esitada hiljemalt 2. märtsiks 2012.
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Reedel, 16.detsembril andis LV Keskkonnakaitse ja regionaalarengu minister Edmunds Sprudzs üle Vidzeme planeermisregiooni esimehele Nikolai Stepanovile piiriülese turismi arendamise projekti Via Hanseatica allkirjastatud toetuslepingu. Projekti kogumaksumus on 1,8 miljonit eurot.
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Riia Stradinsi Ülikool viib ellu piiriülese koostööprojekti „Päriliku vähkkasvaja ennetamise meetodite arendamine Pihkva regioonis“ („Development of Hereditary Cancer Prevention Measures in Pskov Region”) koostöös Pihkva Onkoloogia Dispanseriga (Venemaa) programmi prioriteet 3 - Inimestevahelise koostöö arendamine meede 3.2 - Koostöö kultuuri-, spordi-, hariduse-, sotsiaal- ja tervishoiuvaldkonnas raames. Read more

Grant Contract for the project „Development of Hereditary Cancer Prevention Measures in Pskov Region” from the Riga Stradins University side was signed by the Rector of RSU Mr Janis Gardovskis.
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Crossborder tourism development project "Unique Estonian-Russian fortresses ensemble development as a single tourist product. Stage II" has been accepted by the Joint Monitoring Committee of the Programme and the European Commission under the Priority 1 of the Programme, 1.3 Measure – Tourism development and its total budget reaches 1,82 million euro.
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On Friday, 16 December the Minister of the Environmental Protection and Regional Development Mr Edmunds Sprudzs handed over to the Chairman of the Vidzeme Plannig Region Mr Nikolay Stepanov signed Grant contract of a crossboder tourism development project Via Hanseatica with total financing of 1,8 million euro.
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3 consultation seminars were organized by JTS for the Programme’s Large Scale Project Applicants and partners in order to support them in the process of preparation of the Full Application, which they will have to submitt not later than 2 March, 2012. In Tartu (Estonia) Mr Dzmitry Korbut, the key expert from INERTACT ENPI epxlained in detail, how the Logical framework (Logframe) of the Project has to be filled in. Read more

Uz programmas ikgadējo konferenci un kontaktu forumu „Stratēģiskā sadarbība – robežas vieno” sapulcējās 150 dalībnieki. No tiem aptuveni 80 piedalījās Kontaktu Punkta aktivitātēs, ko organizēja Reģionālās Kapacitātes stiprināšanas iniciatīva (Regional Capacity Building Initiative). Konferences laikā tika parakstīti 3 grantu līgumi ar pirmā uzsaukuma projektiem.
Pateicamies moderatoriem un ziņotājiem par viņu vērtīgo ieguldījumu konferences veiksmīgā norisē.
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Projekta “Enjoy the best in Latvia, Estonia and Russia” granta līgumu no Latvijas kempingu asociācijas puses parakstīja tās valdes priekšsēdētāja Tija Alondere. Read more
Suuremahuliste projektide projektijuht Aleksejs Šaforostovs ja finantsjuhi assistent Sergejs Dubčaks on sekretariaadi koosseisus alates 28. novembrist 2011.
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