
Project partners from Latvia and Estonia gathered in Riga (Latvia) on 4 February and in Tartu (Estonia) on 5 February for briefings and consultations concerning final reporting and closing of the projects. Questions were related to what kind of project documentation is to be added to the final report and how to reflect indicators. Participants of the briefing were also interested into exchange rates and audit report related issues. Individual consultations were held with experts of the Joint Technical Secretariat. Read more

The “GreenMan” is a success story about 10 partner organizations from Estonia, Latvia and Russia, which combined their efforts in emerging the new green areas, public parks and recreation zones, in the most populated cities of the region: Tartu, Rezekne and Pskov. Improvement of green areas has contributed to the attractiveness of border areas for residents and guests. 90% of the total budget of nearly two million EUR was co-financed by the ENPI Estonia – Latvia - Russia CBC Programme 2007-2013. Read more

By December 2014 reconstruction of Misso municipal centre (Estonia) and two municipal buildings in Strugi-Krasnye District (Pskov Region, Russia) by the GREEN PUBLIC HOUSES project that is funded in amount of 341.619,53 € by the Estonia – Latvia – Russia CBC Programme has been finished. To introduce the results of the project and promote green public houses concept a seminar was held in Misso Municipality on 5th December 2014 and in Strugi-Krasnye on 6th December 2014. Read more

More than 25 000 Programme website sessions are registered in year 2014 and almost half out of them forms new visitors. 36% of visitors come from Latvia, 25% from Russia and 22% from Estonia – making about 83% of interest coming directly from the Programme territory. Visitors were mostly interested in actual Programme and Project News, implemented projects and objectives and priorities of the Programme. Thanks to references by ENPI Info Centre, activities in Facebook and Twitter, links included in mailing lists and projects E-archive and EstRusFortTour-2, referral sources of visitors make 24%. Programme Twitter account has 175 followers – among them EU structures, EU officials, ENPI CBC and other cooperation Programmes, as well individuals. Read more
Estonia - Latvia - Russia Cross Border Cooperation Programme within European Neighbourhood and Partnership Instrument 2007-2013 is looking for an Information Manager to be employed in Riga in the Main Office of the Joint Technical Secretariat. Please find the detailed announcement and task description for the Information Manager. Read more
Estonia - Latvia - Russia Cross Border Cooperation Programme within European Neighbourhood and Partnership Instrument 2007-2013 is looking for an Office Manager to be employed in Riga in the Main Office of the Joint Technical Secretariat. Please find the detailed announcement and job description for the Office Manager. Read more

The final event of project “Awareness Rising and Investments in Energy Efficiency: Johvi and Kingisepp” (ARIEE) was held December 18 in Jõhvi (Estonia). The target of final event was to introduce the project results to project partners, involved experts and specialists, local mass-media representatives. Two kindergartens in Kingisepp (Russia) and Jõhvi (Estonia) were renovated from the point of energy efficiency and about 50% of savings from energy expenses achieved. Project final event concluded in opening commemorative plaque on Kalevipoeg kindergarten in Jõhvi. Read more

Almost 50% of projects supported by the Programme are in the phase of preparation of final reports or will face it during first half of 2015. In order to support projects in preparation of final reports JTS is organizing 4 identical Briefing/Consultation meetings in Estonia, Latvia and Russia in February 2015. The focus of the event will be preparation of final reports – providing information about the activities that have been carried out, reached outputs and results, compliance with requirements of information and visibility, and reporting of financing. Briefings and consultations will be held in format of discussion and exchange of information and best practice about important issues that concern final reporting and closing of the projects. Read more

On 13 January 2015 the rafter party of the new pedestrian terminal of Narva-1 border crossing point (Peterburi mnt 1, Narva, Estonia) took place. The ceremony marked significant stage of the construction works when the maximum height of the new building is reached, as well it followed Estonian old folk tradition to treat builders at the undertaking and thereby ensure the good fortune of the building. Construction works of the border crossing point (BCP) are expected to be completed in summer 2015. Read more

New Video is released by the Programme and reflects the First Cross Border Trade Fair of Student Firms that was organised in Värska, Estonia at the end of 2014. Trade Fair was an activity within trilateral cross-border cooperation project “Business Heritage” and involved young entrepreneurs from Setomaa (Estonia), Pechory (Russia) and Ape (Latvia). The fair was open to the public and offered possibility for young traders to communicate with numerous customers, introduce their products to audience and make real business. Photo Gallery. Read more