COMMON PEIPSI: Räpina harbour pavilion on Peipsi lake is officially opened
On Saturday, 12 October, the opening ceremony of Harbour pavilion took place in Rapina Harbour, Estonia. Räpina harbour pavilion was built in the frame of Large Scale Project of ENPI Estonia-Latvia-Russia CBC Programme 2007-2013 “Economically and Environmentally Sustainable Lake Peipsi area” (Common Peipsi). It is the first large scale infrastructure object in Estonia finalised within the Programme. Representatives of the JTS of the Programme, project- and cooperation partners from Estonia, Latvia and Russia were present among invited guests of the event and all interested people had opportunity to participate as well.
The ceremony was led by the moderator dressed as Port Captain, the guests were cheered by musical greetings of Räpina brass band. The information board of the harbour was disclosed by the local young folk dancers, which marked the official opening of Räpina harbour pavilion. The ceremony was covered by local and state media.

The Mayor of Räpina Mr Teet Helm in his speech gave an overview of the process of preparation and construction of Räpina harbour and thanked the cooperation partners. Harbour was blessed by Urmas Nagel, the Vicar of Räpina St Michael Church of Estonian Evangelical Lutheran Church. The representatives of Estonian Ministries and Parliament as well as spokespersons of local municipalities and public institutions from Estonia and neighbour countries Latvia and Russia greeted the wide auditory. Lake Peipsi was named “The Sea of Opportunities” as it gives lots of business opportunities to local fishermen and enables to develop tourism products and tourism related businesses. It also provides magnificent possibility for cooperation with neighbours from Russia.
The opening ceremony was followed by colourful cultural programme with musical performance by local musicians and dancers. Traditional and customary local snacks and drinks were offered to the guests. Participants had a great chance to make a trip on Lämmijärv on Hanseatic Sailing Barge Jõmmu.

The budget of construction works of Räpina harbour was EUR 359 717, with Programme co-financing of EUR 323 745,30 (from which EUR 275 772.00 was additional Estonian State Budget financing). Räpina Municipality contributed the amount of EUR 35 972,70.
Russian partners of the Project “Common Peipsi” contribute to the sustainable development of Peipsi Lake by construction of waste water treatment facilities in Pskov Region.
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