On November 18–19 Final conference of the project “Increasing capacity of local authorities in providing e-services in Ida-Virumaa -Leningrad oblast cross-border area” (‘e-G2C’ ) took place in St. Petersburg, where the preliminary results of the project were discussed.
The project aimed at elaboration and pilot implementation of procedures to deliver appropriate municipal services through electronic channels. The municipal archives of the border towns Narva, Kingisepp, Slantsy, located in the North-East of Estonia and the Leningrad region of the Russian Federation were involved in the project implementation.
All seven project partners (E-governance Academy - the Lead partner, ‘E-signature without Borders’ NGO, e-Governance Centre of ITMO University, Narva BAS Foundation, local authorities of Kingisepp district , Slantsy district and Narva city Government), specialists of municipal archives from Narva, Kingisepp, Slantsy and from other Russian cities´ archives - Gatchina, Vsevolozhsk, Vyborg, Priozersk, also from the Leningrad Region State Archive participated in the conference. Altogether more than 40 participants took part at the conference to be informed about project results.
Prototypes of two cross-border electronic services for municipal border town archives of Narva, Slantsy and Kingisepp has been presented by the project - namely, providing information on burials and records of employment on the other side of the border. These documents are mostly often claimed by the citizens of both countries. Prototypes have been tested, approved and recommended for practical implementation and further dissemination.
Several options for electronic interaction between citizens, authorities and archives were presented and discussed at the conference. The project experts have studied the overall state of public and municipal e-services and explored various possibilities of e-documents exchange between the cross-border city archives.
"The main obstacle of cross-border exchange of e-documents lies in the contradictions of the legal framework of the two countries and in mutual recognition of the legitimacy of electronic signatures issued in another country” explained Dmitri Trutnev, Deputy director of the e-Governance Centre of ITMO University. "Nevertheless there are fresh precedents of international exchange of e-documents, for example, between the Russian and Estonian Pension funds. Within the project framework we have developed and described schemes for electronic cross-border interaction, which, in our opinion, do not breach the Russian or Estonian legislation. In order to reach a final decision, we made an inquiry to the competent authorities and are currently waiting for their clarification. Meanwhile, we are preparing a draft agreement between the municipalities and partner archives on e-documents exchange “added Mr. Trutnev.
According to the project participants it is quite possible to establish electronic document exchange between the border cities archives based on "trust" relationship between them and in compliance to the legislation in force. In the framework of this project, all 16 archivists from the three pilot archives were given personalized test ID cards with real certificates for digital use together with ID-card readers, issued by the Estonian Certification Centre (Associate Partner of the project) and Trueb Baltic.
For additional information please contact:
Annela Kiirats, E-Riigi Akadeemia Sihtasutus,
+372 6411313, annela.kiirats@ega.ee
Vitali Sergejev, NBAS foundation,
+372 35 79 395, vitali@nbas.ee