EMAJOE PSKOV WMP: Water quality in Kasepää Municipality (Estonia) improved
On Thursday, 3 April ceremonial opening of newly constructed water treatment plant in Tiheda village, Kasepää Municipality, Estonia took place. The opening ceremony was attended by Jõgeva county governor Mr Viktor Svjatõšev.
New water treatment plant provides solution for cleaning iron-reach groundwater and will now supply the region with high quality drinking water. Results of laboratory water tests showed that the water of newly established facilities responds to the set standards of drinking water. During the ceremony sumples of cleaned water were presented to the participants.
Construction works with the total cost EUR 86 796,12 were carried out by “AS Viimsi Keevitus”.
Construction of the water treatment plant was co-financed by ENPI Estonia-Latvia-Russia CBC Programme 2007-2013 in frame of project “Water Management Project of Peipsi, Pihkva, Lämmijärve, Saadjärve and Veskijärve Lakes“ (Emajõe-Pskov WMP).
Total cost of the project is MEUR 1,87 and co-financing rate of Estonia-Latvia-Russia CBC Programme is 90%. Project partners from Estonia are AS Emajõe Veevärk, Mustvee Municipality, Kasepää Municipality, Lohusuu Municipality and from Russia Municipal enterprise of Pskov city "Gorvodokanal".
Photos of the ceremony provided by the Project:
Portfolio of the Project Emajõe-Pskov WMP
Additional information:
Ilari Domaškin
Kasepää Municipality
e-mail: ilari@kasepaa.ee
Tarmo Needo; tarmo@vealeidja.ee