Exchange of the best practices among 7 ENPI Programmes
Implementing authorities of seven cross border cooperation Programmes with participation of Russia, Belarus and Ukraine as external partners have met for the Annual Meeting in Lilaste, Latvia on 8 October 2013. Representatives of each Programme presented its current state of play and best implementation practice was exchanged among Heads, Project Managers, Financial Experts and Information Managers.
Two thematic panels represented Project Managers and Financial Managers of KOLARCTIC, POLAND-BELARUS-UKRAINE, LATVIA-LITHUANIA-BELARUS, KARELIA, LITHUANIA-POLAND-RUSSIA, ESTONIA-LATVIA-RUSSIA and SOUTH-EAST FINLAND-RUSSIA Cross Border Cooperation Programmes within ENPI 2007-2013, who came together to discuss topical issues of support to project implementation and Programme activities. The colleagues shared experience of on-spot visits to the projects, ways of handling reporting and role of external experts in supervising the project implementation. Actuality and relevance of the project risk assessment and analysis of project results were discussed. Participants also revealed the expectations and ideas about closing of the Programme.
Heads of the Joint Technical Secretariats and Joint Managing Authority of Karelia ENPI shared concerns of implementation time lines and introduced activities, which will help to monitor deadlines especially for projects with infrastructure component and particularly in year 2014. Planning of savings and possible ways of their use was discussed. Capacity building of existing project management teams taking into account future perspective was noted.
Workshop of 12 Information managers and representatives from Branch Offices, geographically covering vast territory – from Murmansk and Archangelsk (Russia) to Tartu (Estonia), Brest (Belarus), Lvov (Ukraine) and Olsztyn (Poland), looked back to diverse and creative European Cooperation Day 2013 activities, like Short Movie Contest, Tree Planting, Competition of school children “Creativity knows no borders” and Project Fair during 70th Rally of Poland. Most interesting discussion turned out about the ways of “spilling-over” the results of Projects and Programmes accordingly, since in year 2014 first results can be assessed by themes and only in year 2015 it will be possible to receive complete information of the overall implementation results.
Great pieces of national cuisines were offered by participants of each country and coffee break turned to a great degustation of different products.
On 9 October participants visited the 1st Project that accomplished its activities within Estonia-Latvia-Russia CBC Programme “Photo Youth” in Riga 1st special school. The school took part in the project and young photographers, who learned to take photos and process them with the equipment provided within the activities of the project, gave autographs in the photo book.