Grant contract for 1 568 104,80 euro of the Programme co-financing countersigned by the JMA of the Programme and Municipality of Narva, Department for City Property and Economy (Estonia)
The Municipality of Narva, Department for City Property and Economy (Estonia) together with a partner from Russian Federation - Administration of Municipal Formation “City Ivangorod, Kingisepp district, Leningrad oblast” (Russia) with involvement of 4 Associated partners - Committee for culture, sport and youth policy of City Administration Kingisepp (Russia); Ida-Viru County (Estonia); Environmental Board of Estonia (Estonia); Heritage Conservation Board of Estonia (Estonia) - will realize cross-border tourism development project „Development of historical riverside protection area in Narva/Estonia and Ivangorod/Russia - II stage” under the Priority 1 – Socio economic development, Measure 1.3 – Tourism development. Total budget: 1 742 338, 67 euro.
The present project is a follow-up of the “Integrated development of the historical riverside protection area in Narva/Estonia and Ivangorod/Russia” project implemented by partners in 2007 – 2009. It continues activities and gives added value to development of cross-border area as a united tourism destination making it attractive for tourists and ensuring stable sustainable development of the cross-border region. The project gives value added to Estonia/European Union – Russian border region by contributing to enhancement of the cities’ image and living environment, increases the cities’ competitiveness and the quality of recreation possibilities attracting more tourists, ensures fast development and increased competitiveness.
After completeion of the project Ivangorod gets the part of the northern promenade - thematic place called “Fisher market” that is reorganized, reconditioned and put in order and Narva gets the part of the upper promenade that is reorganized, reconditioned and put in order.
Brief information you can find in the PORTFOLIO of the Project