Räpina Municipality Government together with 2 partners from Pechory (Russian Federation) - Administration of Pechory District and Municipal culture institution „Culture centre of the Pechory District and Vilaka Municipal Council (Latvia) - will realize cross-border infrastructure investment project „Development of the centres for culture and creative industries in Räpina, Vilaka and Pechory” under the Priority 2 - “Common challenges”, Measure 2.2 – Preservation and promotion of cultural and historical heritage and support of local traditional skills.
The project is aimed at improving the accessibility to cultural and historical heritage for inhabitants and visitors, as well as to increase the interest to local traditions, new contacts and networks.
Brief information you can find in the PORTFOLIO of the Project
After signing the Grant Contract each Project receives Project Implementation Pack containing from cased Financial Guidelines, Communication and Visibilty Guidelines, Programme Calendar for 2012, Leaflet in respective national language and English, Project Portfolio, USB with Video Clip about the Programme in national languages of respective partners and small Programme flag for each Partner in the Project.