Grant contract for 259 015, 20 euro of the Programme co-financing countersigned by the JMA of the Programme and the Education, Culture and Sports Department of Riga City Council (Latvia)

The Education, Culture and Sports Department of Riga City Council together with 4 partners from Russian Federation  -  N. A. Rimsky-Korsakov Art College of Pskov District, Centre of complex social services for citizens "Vyborg", Regional non-governmental organization “Petersburg Parents”, Administration of the municipality “Vyborg region” of Leningrad district - will realize cross-border „people to people” project „Creating access to the art of photography for young people with disabilities” under the Priority 3 - “Promotion of people to people cooperation”, Measure 3.2.  – Cooperation in spheres of culture, sport, education, social and health care. Total budget of the project is 293 028,00 euro.

The project aims to equalize opportunities for all inhabitants to get additional education thereby rising their competitiveness in labour market and to contribute to improving the living standards in the Programme area, and more specifically - promoting people to people cooperation towards social inclusion and against discrimination.

Brief information you can find in the PORTFOLIO of the Project