LSG DEVELOPMENT: Training on running business in agricultural sphere in Shugozero Municipality, Russia

On 24-25 October the third training of the series of educational activities in the framework of the Project «Supporting the local self-government development to improve the quality of life in rural areas» (LSG Development) was carried out in Shugozero Municipality, this time with the focus on farming. Issues of launching and running business in the sphere of agriculture were discussed during the training.

The event drew attention of wide range of authorities. Specialists of local administration, Administration of Tikhvin District and Leningrad Region Government tooke part in the event.

The first day of the training was opened by the head of the Administration of Shugozero municipality Mrs. Nina Sokolova who briefly presented current social and economic situation in the settlement, focusing on the problems in agriculture sector.

Then representatives of Tikhvin District Administration presented information about rules and regulations, peculiarities of registration and creation of private farms, peasant farms in the framework of the Leningrad region legislation; ways of selling agricultural products were observed with emphasis to the organization and participation in weekend fairs in larger settlements.

Participants were introduced with the measures of state and municipal support to private household plots and peasant farms, to small and medium enterprises in the Leningrad region, as well as with a real success story of such farm.

A lively discussion was caused by the information about the opportunities, provided by the Internet as a platform for selling and purchasing agricultural products. The participants were informed about the peculiarities of cooperation among agricultural producers to promote their production.

During the second day, the Chairman of «Assistance» cooperative Mr. Pavel Vershkov told the participants about the possibilities opened by creating and participating in various forms of cooperation and, in general, about possible results of joined efforts of the village inhabitants to revitalize the rural life for the development of its own resource base.


Photos are provided by the Project "LSG Development".

More information about the Project can be found in the PORTFOLIO.