Safe roads for the coming year 2013 from Santa Claus in Pskov!
In the framework of the Project „ESTLATRUS TRAFFIC” the action „Safe festivities!” was launched on 26 December in Pskov, Russia. Action is aimed at tourists and citizens of the border regions of the Pskov Oblast crossing the border by car during Christmas and New Year holidays from 27 December 2012 till 7 January 2013. During the action the State Inspection of Traffic Safety of Pskov Region is distributing leaflets, where different traffic safety rules that apply in Estonia, Latvia and Russia are introduced.

Leaflets will be distributed in border crossing points „Ulibkina”, „Ljudonka”, „Shumilkino”, „Kunichina Gora”, „Burachki”, as well via tourism companies and Consulate of Latvia and Consulate General of Estonia in Pskov.

Action is organized by NGO "Lake Peipsi Project, Pskov", the State Inspection of Traffic Safety of Pskov Region, Administrations of Krasnogorodsk, Pskov, Pechory and Pitalovo Regions and in cooperation with the Consulates of Latvia and Estonia, as well the tourism company „Slavjanskij Tur”.

During pre-festivities time on the roads of Pskov the State Inspection of Traffic Safety of Pskov Region is patrolling together with the Santa Claus and some participants of the traffic got the leaflet and wishes for the New Year 2013 directly from the Santa Claus.