European Cooperation Day - Estonia, Latvia and Russia

Local Actions of the Estonia-Latvia-Russia Cross Border Cooperation Programme in 2012 in photos.


Key Action in Narva-Ivangorod  - "Borders unites" in Narva River riversides near Narva and Ivangorod fortresses ensemble on 21 September 2012.

Other Actions:
12 September - Trees planting in Friendship Alley, Embankment of Emajogi River, Tartu
17 September - Open Doors Lecture "Archaeology in Southeast Estonia", Voru Institute, Voru
17 September - European Cooperation Day Lecture, Tartu University Euro College, Tartu
20 September - Public Lecture "Exploring the history of narrow gauge railway", Tyri Joint Gymnasium, Tyri
21 September - Information Desk "Promoting Heritage", Rapina Municipality Government Building, Rapina
21 September  - Opening of Traffic Educational Park, Vilja str 10, Voru
September - European Cooperation Day Lecture, Narva College of the Tartu University, Narva

Key Action S!GULDA TRILLS AND COOPERATES, front of the railway station, Sigulda on 21 September

Other Actions:
1-30 September - Traffic safety Campaign "Know the traffic regulations abroad", Terehova - Burochki border crossing point
12 September - European Cooperation Day Lecture, University of Latvia, Riga
14-16 September - Voleyball Tournament, Ludza Sports Hall, Ludza
17 September - European Cooperation Day Lecture, University of Daugavpils, Daugavpils
17-21 September - Open Doors "Space knowledges for Humanity", Riga Technical University, Riga
17-23 September - Traffic safety Campaign "Father, mother and me - protected family", Rezekne Catolic secondary school, Rezekne
17-23 September - Traffic safety Campaign "Father, mother and me - protected family", Dricanu secondary school, Dricani, rezekne municipality
 21 September - Opening of Traffic Educational Park, Karsava secondary school, Karsava
21 September - Opening of Traffic Educational Park, Rezekne 5th secondary school, Rezekne
21 September - Concert and Sports, Strazdumuiza boarding school, Riga
21 September - European Cooperation Day Lecture, Vidzeme University of Applied Sciences, Valmiera
22 September - Tourism Route Guide opening celebration, "Meža salas", Limbazi district
30 September - Concert of Limbazi orchestra "Lemisele", Limbazi culture centre, Limbazi
 September -  Traffic safety Campaign "Sleep and Drive!", Terehova - Burochki border crossing point!

Full list of Local Actions takign place in Latvia (in Latvian) can be downloaded here.


Key Action - Conference and Joint ENPI exposition
during the V Peterburg International Innovation Forum on 26-28 September 2012.

Other Actions:
20 September - Girls Football Match, Municipal football stadium, Pechory
21 September - Borders Unites, Ivangorod fortress, Ivangorod
21 September - Opening of Traffic Education Park, Nikandrova's street, Krasnogorodsk
21 September  - Opening of Traffic Education Park, M. Gorkogo str 16, Pytalovo
28-30 September - Basketball tournament, Velikije Luki
September - European Cooperation Day Lecture, University of Pskov, Pskov

October - European Cooperation Day Lectures:
Russian Presidential Aacademy of National Economy and Public Administration North-West Institute, Saint-Petersburg;
European University at St. Petersburg, St.Petersburg
Leningrad State University by name of A.S. Pushkin, St.Petersburg
State Institute on Economics, Finance, Law and Technologies, Gatchina

Promotional Projects are Programme supported Projects chosen specially for additional promotion of their achievements and activities in a visible way during the European Cooperation Day. 

1. Narva - Ivangorod story

 Development of unique Narva-Ivangorod fortresses ensemble and Surrounding Area;
2. "Development of the centres for culture and creative industries in Räpina, Vilaka and Pechory”
descriptions in ENGLISH and RUSSIAN;

 Increasing traffic system’s capability within EE-LV-RU international importance transport corridors;
2. "Advancing remote areas by development of cross-border VH tourism route on basis of local resources"
descriptions in ENGLISH, LATVIAN and RUSSIAN;


Baltic ICT Platform. 
2. „Creating access to the art of photography for young people with disabilities”
descriptions in ENGLISH, RUSSIAN and LATVIAN.

European Cooperation Day Videos:

      EU Commissioner's Message
ECDay 2012 Video Teaser in Estonian, Latvian and Russian