Border light
Acronym: Border light
Contract Number: ESTLATRUS/3.2/ELRI-135/2011/03
Beneficiary: Valka Municipality Council
Beneficiary Address: Valka Municipality Council
Country: Latvia
Region: Vidzeme Region
Project Location: Leningrad Region
Start Date: 01.04.2012
Project Duration: 18 months
Grant Amount: 145.441,80 €
Percentage Of Total Eligible Action Costs: 90%
Summary: The overall objective of the project is to improve intermediate culture relations between Latvia and Russia through organization of educational, cultural events, exchange of experience trips and dissemenation of information about the project results. Till now Valka Municipality Council have had closer cooperation with muinicipalities of Russia in the sphere of culture and education by organizing international theater festival "Tālvils", inviting theater companies from all over the world. Project partners have been chosen becaus of quite similar sphere of their activities and same interests in developing, diversifying their institution work and experience of employees. The biggest project activity would be organization of two traditional theater festivals in both cities. But the main benefits in fullfilling the overall project objective will be organization of educatuional events, exchange of experience trips, trainings. Project target grousp will be partner art school pedagogues and students, theater companies actors and inhabitants of partner municaplities.
Project homepage:
Measure name: Cooperation in spheres of culture, sport, education, social and health
Measure: 3.2
Involved partners:
- Valka Municipality Council, Semināra 9, Valka, Valka region
- Gatchina City Administration, Kirgetova 1, Gatchina
Additional information:
- Portfolio_135.pdf (pdf) 260.69 KB
- RESULTS_135.pdf (pdf) 1.15 MB