Reduction of social consequences of an HIV spread in Estonia and Leningradskaya oblast of Russia.
Acronym: Helping to live.
Contract Number: ESTLATRUS/3.2./ELRI-185/2011/01
Beneficiary: Social Support and Public Health Foundation «POSITIVE WAVE»
Beneficiary Address: Social Support and Public Health Foundation «POSITIVE WAVE»
Country: Russia
Region: St. Petersburg City
Project Location: North Estonia, North Estonia, North-East Estonia
Start Date: 01.11.2011
Project Duration: 30 months
Grant Amount: 275.804,79 €
Percentage Of Total Eligible Action Costs: 75,57%
Summary: Border territories of Estonia (Ust'-Narva district) and Russia (Leningrad Region) demonstrate the highest in Europe rate of HIV prevalence. The number of HIV+ is growing. People living with HIV/AIDS (further on - PLWA) have serious social and psychological problems that have an impact on major social and economic problems of the territory. Ovetral Objective of the project is development of socio- psychological support system for PLWA in border territories of Estonia and Leningrad Region in order to contribute toward reduction of social and economic consequences of HIV/AIDS. Specific Objectives: 1.To work out model of social support to PLWA in particular municipal territories with the use of border partners’ experience (Organization of centres of socio-psychological support to PLWA, psychological counseling , social support services, job hunting skills development, and legal consultations; staff training; supervision of the Centers works; staff training on emotional burnout); 2. To strengthen the potential of municipal social support and healthcare authorities in social services to PLWA (seminars for social workers of social support and medical institutions and non-profit organizations of both countries; educational trips to partner countries; preparation and distribution of a manual on organization of social work with PLWA) ; 3. To enhance involvement of municipal authorities into the work on reduction of social and economic consequences of HIV (seminars for municipal management bodies; roundtables in municipal territories with involvement of majors and administrations of these territories; working meetings with municipal bodies; operations of the working team for development of measures for reduction of HIV-related negative impact on the society); 4. To strengthen potential of partners (meetings, implementation of joint initiatives). The main target group and beneficiares are PLWA of Leningrad Region and North-East Estonia. The total HIV+ population of the territories is 25,000 people. The other target group is social workers of municipal institutions. Main results: better socialization of a target group, resolution of a particular life situations; improvement of quality of services rendered by social workers for PLWA; increasied funding available to programmes of social support to PLWA and prevention of HIV spread; establishment of a long-term efficient partnership which will result in new initiatives. Efficient work with PLWA assumes that border territories have equal opportunities for services to ensure people do not feel deprived if services in their country are less developed compared to those of their neighbors. Partners are addressing similar problems in their work, working with the same target group. Partnership will ensure greater Project competitiveness level and reduced costs and will ensure common activities implementation standarts and policies
Project homepage:
Measure name: Cooperation in spheres of culture, sport, education, social and health
Measure: 3.2
Involved partners:
- Social Support and Public Health Foundation «POSITIVE WAVE», Goncharnaya street 15a, liter A, of.6N
- ESPO Society (is not participating in project anymore), Kopli 32, Tallinn
- LIGO NGO Association of Women Against HIV/AIDS (is not participating in project anymore), Mardi 3, 10145 Tallinn
- NGO Evrika, Koidu 25 Narva-Joesuu 29023 Estonia
Additional information:
- Portfolio_185.pdf (pdf) 223.64 KB
- RESULTS_185_final.pdf (pdf) 1.5 MB