Eco-friendly disposal of hazardous medical waste in the cross border region
Acronym: Medical Waste
Contract Number: ESTLATRUS/2.1./ELRII-448/2012/40
Beneficiary: Kohtla-Järve Town Government
Beneficiary Address: Kohtla-Järve Town Government
Country: Estonia
Region: North-East Estonia
Project Location: North-East Estonia, Leningrad Region, Leningrad Region
Start Date: 01.05.2013
Project Duration: 20 months
Grant Amount: 410.400,00 €
Percentage Of Total Eligible Action Costs: 90%
Summary: There are 4 partners in the project: Kohtla-Järve Town Government; Ida-Viru Central Hospital, located in K-Jarve; Administration of Slantsy region, and municipal institution Slantsy Central Regional Hospital. The basis for the partnership in this project is the Treaty of Friendship and Cooperation signed by the two municipalities in 1999. One of priority areas where the towns have maintained cooperation for several years is health care. The overall objective of current project is decreasing environmental risks in the cross-border region by way of ensuring effective separation, neutralization and disposal of hazardous and infectious medical waste, which poses danger to people, primarily caused by the constant presence of agents of various infectious diseases and toxic substances. Final beneficiaries are general population of the cross-border region, especially in areas located directly adjacent to hospitals and landfill sites; municipalities and administrations of medical institutions. Target groups are medical personnel of the region. According to the legislation of both countries, hospitals are responsible for disposal of hazardous medical waste, which differs significantly from other types of waste and requires special attention. Local authorities are very interested in project implementation, as its concept is in line with the priorities of the towns’ development: it aims to improve environmental situation in the towns and in the surrounding areas. Activity packages involve a detailed study of existing technological systems, determining the most appropriate cost-effective solution for each of the partners, creation and launch of two non-profit regional centres for disposal of hazardous and infectious medical waste in Slantsy and Kohtla-Jarve, which will operate at local hospitals. Economic, environmental and professional safety issues play a key role in the selection of an appropriate technology and equipment. Some investments will be used for adaptation of the premises for installation of equipment and start up of the centres. In order to ensure effective work of the centres and avoid the risk of infectious and hazardous materials entering the common waste stream, all waste produced by med. institutions should be separated. A number of project activities are being planned that are directed at ensuring safe, cost effective, acceptable and sustainable management of medical waste: preparation of instructions of handling hazardous med. waste and training for project target groups. Municipalities will encourage satellite med. institutions located in the region to treat med. waste originating from their work in created treatment centres. A unique element of the project is the fact that it brings together politicians, officials, experts and med. specialists from different cultures and medical schools who are accustomed to different standards and have differing experience of managing certain tasks
Project homepage:
Measure name: Joint actions aimed at protection of environment and natural resources
Measure: 2.1
Involved partners:
- Kohtla-Järve Town Government, Keskallee 19, 30395 Kohtla-Järve
- Ida-Viru Central Hospital, Ravi 10, 30322 Kohtla-Järve
- Administration of Municipal Formation Slantsy Municipal District, Pochtovyi alley 3, 188560 Slantsy town
- Municipal public health institution Slantsy central regional hospital, Gagarina str. 2a, Slantsy town, Leningrad obl., 188560 Russia
Additional information:
- Portfolio_448.pdf (pdf) 298.2 KB
- Portfolio_448_RUS.pdf (pdf) 305.07 KB
- Medical Waste Newsletter nr1.pdf (pdf) 4.2 MB
- RESULTS_448_final.pdf (pdf) 915.66 KB