Reconstruction of BCP "Vientuli" and arrangement of BCP "Brunishevo” (full title in Annex 1)
Acronym: Vientuli-Brunishevo
Contract Number: ESTLATRUS/1.2./ELR-LSP-4/2012/04
Beneficiary: State Joint Stock Company "State Real Estate"
Beneficiary Address: State Joint Stock Company "State Real Estate"
Country: Latvia
Region: Riga City
Project Location: Pskov Region, Pskov Region
Start Date: 01.02.2011
Project Duration: 47 months
Grant Amount: 8.368.373,00 €
Percentage Of Total Eligible Action Costs: 90%
Summary: The objective of the project is to improve infrastructure on Latvian side of the border crossing check point Vientuli-Ludonka creating basis for turning of this point into fully functioning border crossing point for passenger and cargo vehicles in the future and to improve infrastructure on the Russian side of border crossing check point Brunishevo-Pededze, thus increasing the capacity and level of comfort of this border crossing check point and forming the basis for turning it into the international border crossing check point for passenger transport in future. The project aims at using the underutilised potential of the two border crossing checkpoints (Pededze in Latvia and Ludonka in Russia), by integrating this potential with developing the infrastructure on the other side of the border of the respective check points (Brunishevo and Vientuli accordingly). Three activity packages are planned in the project: AP1 "Management and coordination" is planned to ensure project management and strategic coordination, reporting to the programme and expenditure verification through the work of Project Management Team (PMT) and the Steering Group (SG); AP2 "Information and visibility" is planned to ensure communication about the project progress, results and potential benefits to the range of stakeholder groups as well as spread information about ENPI and EstlatRus programme. AP3 "Development of the border crossing checkpoints infrastructure" is the core activity of the project. Within the AP3, the full re-design of the BCP Vientuli, reconstruction as well as construction works for basic infrastructure of the reconstructed BCP will be completed. In Brunishevo, it is planned to arrange priority infrastructure and facilities, including technical design, construction works and equipment. The project lead partner is Latvian State Joint Stock Company "State Real Estate", responsible for management and development of Latvian state border control points infrastructure. Project partners are Russian Federal Agency Rosgranitsa, responsible for management and development of Russian state border facilites and its subordinate institution Rosgranstroy. The duration of the project is 47 months, which consists of 23 before Grant Contrct signing (02.2011. – 12.2012.) (included costs prior to Grant Contract signing in budget headings 1 'Human resources' and 2 'Travel') and 24 months active phase after Grant Contract signing (01.2013.-12.2014.) (included costs in all budget headings)
Project homepage:
Measure name: Transport, logistics and communication solutions
Measure: 1.2
Involved partners:
- State Joint Stock Company "State Real Estate", Valnu street 28
- Federal Agency for the Development of the State Border Facilities of the RF, The Russian Federation, 107078 Moscow, st. Sadovaya-Spasskaya, 18, b. 1
- Federal State Budget institution "Rosgranstroy" (Annex 1), The Russian Federation, 109004 Moscow, Nikoloyamski lane, 3a
Additional information:
- Portfolio_LSP_4_04_09_14.pdf (pdf) 463.74 KB
- 02092014Portfolio_LSP_4_ru_fin.pdf (pdf) 478.08 KB
- Result Sheet (pdf) 566.66 KB